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Don’t lose focus: the safety parameters in industries should not be altered

It goes without saying that we live challenging times. We found ourselves in a context unimaginable until recently overwhelmed by great many fears and pressures, trying to keep everyone around us safe, our families and the community at large. In this context – in a world full of tension – it’s important to remember the core principles of our industries. We should not forget the importance of keeping within the parameters that govern our work in order to guarantee safety and health in our work spaces.

For this reason, we would like to make use of this space to remind everyone involved in our industries to stay safe at work. Your safety is essential, so please take care of yourselves – that is the message we need to emphasise, over and over again.

The pressures, the difficulties, the added distractions cannot make us forget something as important as respecting workers’ safety norms. If we neglect ourselves, we risk the most important thing.

Obviously, work dynamics are changing all around us these days: mandatory distances, work shifts in smaller teams, more complete protective equipment – everything is different and we must adapt. But beyond that, the usual safety parameters cannot be altered. We must continue to provide greater access to safety tools and protocols which give operators the possibility of carrying out their task without facing great risks or jeopardising their integrity.

Safety tools – such as those developed here at Claitec – fulfill a fundamental task, always providing support to our operators.

Let’s not forget that technology can play a key role right now and help us make the task easier and safer.

Do you have any questions about this topic? About any other issue? Do you need our advice on matters pertaining to safety at work?

Do you have any questions about this topic? About any other issue? Do you need our advice on matters pertaining to safety at work?

Don’t hesitate to contact us! We are here to help!

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