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Welcome to Claitec

As a technology-driven company, at CLAITEC - Part of TROAX we specialise in the implementation of industrial safety and accident prevention solutions. Our product range consists of several safety systems that can be customised to suit the needs of each company.

T-10RSD (Social Distance Sensor)

Safety pedestrian warehouse
seguridad personas trabajo
antiatropello vehiculos industriales
seguridad carretillas
seguridad peatones
Proteccion maquinaria peligrosa
Facility warehouse safety


16.7 % of all work-related accidents are caused by forklifts. The minimum cost per day not worked amounts to €1,500.

Advantages of Claitec’s solutions

· Improved levels of accident prevention in high-risk areas.
· Increased control of visitors to the work area.
· Protection of personnel and assets by preventing accidents caused by vehicle collisions.
· Superior differentiation between material obstacles and people than other suppliers’.
· Reliable and easy to use alarm systems.
· Customised pedestrian and forklift operator’s warning systems.
· Improved overall company’s safety standards.
· Simple installation by CLAITEC or any local installer.



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