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Three reasons we should all incorporate innovation in our industries

In this space we often talk about “innovation” …

About the need to be “innovative” with any solution designed to improve safety in workspaces and reduce occupational accidents…

However, today we feel the need to dig deeper.

That’s why in this post we’d like to examine why it’s so important to open the doors of our industries to innovation and to start incorporating it into our way of seeing and addressing work and facing new challenges.

Here are three key reasons to incorporate innovation in our industries:

1) A vision of the future.

A company that is really open to innovation is a company that looks beyond the day to day. It seeks to renew itself and to incorporate new processes and tools that help it progress in its tasks and achieve better results. Taking this step implies understanding that innovation is not an isolated idea or a sudden burst of creativity, but the fact that innovation is directly associated with a conscious work mindset and process, with effort and conviction, in the search for knowledge, new ways of doing different things and getting results. Innovation is applicable to any industry or process, but it will not bear results if we are not really sure about questioning what we do, questioning the dogmas we’ve always assumed in our work, and if we don’t really aim towards taking a step forward and incorporating new techniques and new strategies.

2) Differentiation.

We work in markets that are increasingly full of products and services. There is a constant bombardment of commercial, advertising and global competition proposals in the same areas. In this sort of environment, innovation allows companies to differentiate themselves, improve their processes and progress. An innovative company will be able to achieve – after consolidating a working methodology -, its own identity, a differentiating image that will be key and that will end up positioning it differently in the eyes of its public. Today, this could be key to survival and success.

3) Cost reduction.

Similarly, well understood and applied innovation it greatly helps to generate savings in industry costs. Innovation allows companies to be more efficient and help optimise resources. Logically, all this results in better ROI for companies and lower costs for the final buyer.

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