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The Traffic Control System for wholesalers and warehouses

Wholesale stores are a very attractive option for clients on the look out for good opportunities and products at reasonable prices. There’s no denying, though, that wholesale stores are not the friendliest spaces to navigate through! Clients are often thrown into an industrial style space where they have to constantly avoid the forklifts that are responsible for replenishing merchandise and put some sort of order to the stores. It’s fair to say that the safe coexistence between vehicles and pedestrians in wholesale centers is a somewhat complex matter!

As a result of several enquiries we have received from some of our clients, we would like to discuss some of the benefits that the Traffic Control System (TCS) presents for this type of environments.

A practical and useful tool in accident prevention, the TCS Solution consists of a comprehensive traffic control system, which does not depend on batteries or mobile devices. It also works completely passively, which means that it doesn’t require human attention, constant maintenance, or usage monitoring.

The only elements required for the proper operation of the TCS Solution are: one AC-50 activator, one TZ2-Tag, one control box, a beacon, a traffic light and a gate. These are really durable and resistant pieces in a typical industrial environment.

The devices allow the detection of the forklifts previously equipped with the activator, and they send the information – if necessary – to the traffic lights, the signaling beacons, the safety gates and the handrails, in order to separate vehicles on one side and pedestrians on the other.

Similarly, when a truck enters the safety zone defined by the TZ2-Tag, the vehicle and warehouse lighting warnings are activated, alerting them to their presence. At the same time, the pedestrian traffic light turns red and the previously installed safety gate is blocked. When the truck is removed from the safety space, the traffic light automatically turns green and the previously activated mechanisms are unlocked.

This innovative system can be applied in large warehouses, wholesale supermarkets and markets, so as to make possible the coexistence of circulating cargo trucks and pedestrian traffic without exposing any of them to any risks.

In this way, the space is not only more orderly but also – most importantly -, safer, avoiding accidents and injuries.

Would you like to learn more about this innovative product?

Watch this informative video.

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