Accidents are bound to happen – whether we invest all our efforts in education or whether we broadcast key safety and prevention regulations. However, we can take measures to cushion the impact that unforeseen events may have on us, on our work team or on our machinery. At Claitec we work towards this goal.
The Fall Protection System (FPS) is one of our most helpful developments in this aspect – a true ally when working in dangerous areas. This development consists of a retractile safety device anchored to a fixed element and connected to the worker’s safety harness. When a fall occurs the system is responsible for stopping the functioning of the machine and prevent any possible risks and greater damages.
The system is simple to install, and it consists of an anchorage point, an anti-fall mechanism, a retractable steel cable and a safety harness. When working in dangerous areas, the person must hook his or her harness to the retractable cable at the fixed mooring point so that if a fall occurs the anti-fall device will detect the situation and instantly send the signal to stop the plant’s machinery preventing the worker from falling towards other areas that might injure him or her further.
The shape and structure of the fixed mooring point should be sufficient to prevent the automatic disconnection and sliding of the device. The use of marked and certified fixed mooring points is recommended as stated by the European standard EN795.
Likewise, the pieces that make up the FPS system stand out for their durability and robustness, ensuring its correct operation in intensive work spaces and industrial zones that may require its permanent use. The system can be perfectly used in a wide range of hazardous areas of work such as in spaces with presses, shredders and compactors working actively – among many other possibilities.
The FPS is a great ally for our customers’ daily work and increasingly more companies are requesting the installation of this system in their work spaces. In addition, the FPS has been successfully complemented with the hazardous areas solution, of which we have spoken in previous posts. It’s important not to forget that, although today there are several retractable safety systems, the FPS system developed by Claitec is the first to warn and completely stop the machinery to protect the worker.
If you are keen to find out more about this system or would like further information about any of our products, don’t hesitate to contact us.