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How to avoid accidents using the CAS Collision Avoidance System

Forklifts Colision avoidance


The collision between forklifts is a very real risk in many industrial plants.

At Claitec, we have observed that our customers’ warehouses and the warehouses of those who ask for our opinion, consistently experience very heavy traffic, and as such, the risk of collision is significantly increased.

We have also noticed corners or areas where forklift drivers lose visibility, either because they are 90-degree bends, or because there are doors that prevent them from seeing another truck on the other side.


How can this type of risks be minimized?


Collision Avoidance system (CAS)


The Collision Avoidance System is a solution that warns the forklift driver when it detects other vehicles in a 25-meter range. So, whether the other truck is circulating in the “blind spot” of a curve, or whether it’s on the other side of an automatic gate, the CAS system will alert the driver so that he or she is aware of the presence of another vehicle is in its vicinity and thus use the appropriate caution.

It works as an extension of the PAS system which, must be requested from the factory. A PAS activator AC-50 is placed on the forklifts so that they can detect each other. When a forklift detects another one in its safety zone, the system alerts the driver of the imminent risk. The system also allows for some variations in the configuration – for instance, it is possible to make the truck slow down when it detects the presence of another vehicle in their immediate vicinity.


What are benefits of the CAS system for you?


First and foremost, the safety of your workers. By dramatically reducing collisions in heavy traffic areas and in areas of poor visibility, the risk of accidents decreases. The design of the CAS solution also allows the driver to notice immediately when another truck is in the same area of ​​work, warning him or her of a possible collision.

Not only that – the CAS system also delivers increased productivity as forklift drivers can focus on their work without having to worry about their safety. Thus, not only will you achieve a higher level of efficiency, you will also notice a significant reduction in the stress levels of your workers.


What are the main areas of application of this solution?


As we mentioned above, the CAS system is ideally suited to areas with heavy forklift traffic and low driver visibility. For instance, in:

  • Docks
  • Goods’ loading and unloading areas
  • Store aisles’ exits


The CAS system is also very useful in places where large forklifts coexist with smaller trucks.

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