The coexistence of forklifts and pedestrians in our industries is a complex issue and a matter for constant concern given that it can be a highly influential factor in the generation of occupational accidents and safety problems. That is why, in this post, we want to provide some useful advice to have a perfectly functioning transit flow and, consequently, improve the safety in our workspaces.
Forklifts on one side, pedestrians on the other
Una primera medida de suma importancia para mejorar la seguridad laboral y evitar accidentes es establecer zonas diferenciadas para el tránsito de las carretillas y los peatones. En tal sentido, podemos pensar que un espacio de A very important first measure to help improve occupational safety and prevent accidents is to establish clearly differentiated zones for forklift and pedestrian traffic. If you imagine a workspace to be like a city you can then draw lines to separate different spaces. Generally, green lines will indicate the areas where pedestrians circulate, while yellow lines determine the space for forklifts. We can also indicate particularly dangerous places, fast and slow transit spaces, entry and exit points for heavy machinery, or spaces provided for the storage of merchandise, among others.
Marking of special areas
En todo espacio industrial hay ciertas zonas que se utilizan con frecuencia para tareas de mayor intensidad o riesgo, por ejemplo, espacios de recepción o descarga de mercadería. Por lo tanto, para evitar accidentes, podemos contar cIn every industrial space there are certain areas that are frequently used for tasks of greater intensity or risk, such as spaces for receiving or unloading merchandise. Therefore, to avoid accidents, we can delineate areas to be specifically reserved for such activities and ensure that those who work there have the necessary training, as well as the complementary protection measures, such as fencing or safety devices like the PAS System.
Safe crossings
Otra medida de gran aporte es determinar puntos por los cuales los peatones pueden cruzar las vías de tránsito de las carretillas sin exponerse al riesgo. Generar cruces peatonales aporta mucha seguridad y reduce de gran manera los accidentes laborales. Para eso, nos podemos apoyar en diversas herramientas, tales como semáforos, barreras, señalética o sensores para alertar a los conductores.
More information, fewer accidents
Equally important is to establish clear guidelines on the use of forklift and pedestrian traffic routes, the function of crossings and the importance of respecting the safety regulations. We must keep all the members of our teams informed and up-to-date at all times, as well as the people who may visit our workspaces frequently. This will have a direct and very positive impact on improving safety and preventing accidents at work.
Should you need more information on how to improve your levels of occupational safety, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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