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A new solution to guarantee safety at pedestrian crossings

When it comes to safety, pedestrian crossings are one of the more challenging areas in our industries. Traffic tends to be intense and, in some cases, neither operators on foot nor forklift drivers take the necessary precautions, creating risky situations or directly causing minor or major occupational accidents.

To achieve a level of absolute safety in pedestrian crossing, Claitec has developed a new solution that combines two gates and two vehicle barriers with the PSG Pedestrian Safety Gate Solution.

When this new system is in operation the forklift barriers is raised, the pedestrian doors blocked and the pedestrian traffic lights turn red, warning of imminent danger and preventing the crossing.

What if a person wants to cross the pedestrian crossing? They simply need to press a button next to the gate. The system – by means of the two MT50 sensors, each one located a few meters before the pedestrian crossing – will verify that there is no forklift in the proximity, and it will lower the barriers, turning on the red lights at the same time on the barriers.

And once it’s safe for the pedestrians to walk, the system will turn the pedestrian traffic lights green and unlock the pedestrian gates, remaining in this (adjustable) setting for a few seconds until the person has had enough time to cross safely.

After that time, the pedestrian gates will be blocked again, the traffic lights will turn red and the barriers will open, once again enabling forklift traffic through the area. If someone presses the button to cross when there is a forklift nearby, the system will continue as before until it detects the forklift.

Usually, pedestrian crossings without barriers ensure the safe passage of a person by installing manual pushbuttons, offering him or her a risk-free exit route at the crossing. However, with our gated solution, manual pushbuttons are not necessary as our application has a set time to cross, which is precisely designed to prevent people from pressing an emergency button and unlocking the pedestrian doors without having allowed for the important safety step of lowering the barriers.

Would you like to find out more about Claitec’s safety systems? Do you have a specific question or need more information about any of our solutions? Please, do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help!

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