The incorporation of technology in all industries is a process as transformative as it is delicate.
Familiarising any team with technology is a key step, but one which, even today, still generates resistance, distrust and cynicism.
At Claitec we have seen this reality more than once.
In fact, this type of initial resistance is not uncommon amongst some of the customers who later opt for our work safety and accident prevention solutions.
That’s why today we would like to share three key elements that are sure to ease anyone’s doubts about this process, reduce the potential for conflict and achieve better results.
1) Planning and transparency.
The adoption of technological solutions must be a decision thought out and executed with professionalism and clarity, never losing sight of the fact that the operator is a key player in all industrial processes. This means incorporating technology that really generates a valuable contribution for the industry. A contribution that is compatible with the nature of the daily work, and that is understood in its fullness by the operators. In other words: the human team needs to understand the reason why a technological solution is implemented as well as its scope and goals.
2) Solutions.
Similarly, it’s important to view the incorporation of technology to the industry as the adoption of positive solutions. It is absolutely normal for workers to react to the incorporation of new technologies with what’s known as “resistance to change” – or the fear that the unknown is to generate a break from the dynamics which are already known and dominated, thus displacing the person from his or her task. Therefore, it is essential to accompany this process with clear and transparent information showing the worker that, in many cases, the incorporation of technology will, in fact, assist in his or her task, increase safety and reduce accidents. And that it will allow the industry to improve in efficiency and competitiveness, working as a true ally for all members of the team.
3) Training and opportunities.
The incorporation of technology to the industry also opens a wide range of opportunities for operators to train and improve their training in order to master and handle the new tools with ease. It is very important that the operator feels comfortable using them and feels involved, motivated and eager to improve – never outside the process, always from within. This will allow him or her to improve in their task and achieve better results. And it will have a very positive impact both personally and at a general level.
Do you have any questions about our systems and the ways in which they can contribute to improve the safety of your industry and reduce accidents?
Please, do not hesitate to contact us: we are here to help.