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A renewed Tag in “card holder” format

T-10R Badge Personal Tag

Powerful Lights

The light generated features a
360° angle which can be perceived
from anywhere in the environment
in which it is located.

T-10r alta iluminacion


The vibration system that provides
in the presence of a nearby vehicle
and other potential risks.

T-10r alarma vibracion


The tag also generates a high
intensity sound warning, offering a
wide range of warning possibilities.

T-10R Buzzer alarm

Wireless charging

The T-10R Badge’s battery can be
recharged wirelessly, adding even
more comfort – and safety.

T-10R wireless charging

Panic button

An alarm button for use in an
emergency, as to summon help.

T-10R Panic button

Card holder

It combines dual RFID technology-
both passive and active -, which
allows our customers to maintain
the functionality of access control.

At Claitec we consider a new development to be truly outstanding and useful when it adapts to the needs of our clients, meets their expectations and solves their problems. That’s why, after observing the daily work dynamics and the operations in several industries, we have developed a new product that is already being incorporated by several companies to their daily routines: the tag T-10R Badge.

This new development is an adaptation of the new T-10R tag, which adds the functionality of being a card holder. This means that the operator must only carry one object, but it includes two key elements: the safety tag and the personal identification card. This helps avoid oversights, losses or other types of human errors that, in many cases, generate accidents or similar problems.

The T-10R Badge can be placed on the work shirt, making it more difficult for the operator to forget or misplace. As for its composition, it’s worth mentioning that this tag is a long-lasting active RFID device that can be placed on any asset or person, allowing it to be accurately detected by the AC-50 Activator.

In addition, this device combines dual RFID technology- both passive and active -, which allows our customers to maintain the functionality of existing access control, adding a PAS (pedestrian alert) safety.

The T-10R Badge features many outstanding qualities including its robust design and overall resistance, making it the perfect companion at the many demanding workplaces and activities in our industries and without running the risk of breaking down or generating faults.

claitec Wireless charge for T-10 Tag

T-10R Badge’s battery can be recharged wirelessly, adding even more comfort – and safety – for the operator by ensuring that the tag always has enough power.

It can be charged wirelessly using 2 types of chargers: a unitary wireless charger via USB and a charging station which can load up to 12 tags at a time.

And if that wasn’t enough, this new device comes with a high intensity LED lighting, which provides quick detection and ensures the visibility of the person or the asset carried by the tag. The light generated features a 360° angle which can be perceived from anywhere in the environment in which it is located. In addition, you can know your battery status at any time by means of the status LED.

The T-10R Badge tag is an easy to carry small device with an added vibration system that provides extra warning signals to operators in the presence of a nearby vehicle and other potential risks. The tag also generates a high intensity sound warning, offering a wide range of warning possibilities.

Not to mention that the duration of this battery can go on for over a month! Of course, always depending on its usage levels and other related factors.

Keen to find out more about this new system or about any of the other products we offer at Claitec?

Don’t hesitate to contact us!

We are here to help!

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