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VAS: The Effectiveness of Visual Signals

Numerous factors can lead to hazardous situations in areas where pedestrians and forklifts interact frequently. And while there are a number of different solutions to help mitigate these risks, choosing the most suitable option for a specific issue can be complex and it requires a professional and experienced vision. Vision the experts at Claitec will be glad to share with you in guiding you towards the solution that will best reduce potential risks in your workplace.

The Visual Alert System is also a highly effective tool to assist you in minimising workplace risks.

Designed by our team of professionals, the Visual Alert System (VAS) projects high-intensity, bright visual signals to warn pedestrians and drivers of potential dangers in their vicinity.

The applications of this system are broad, particularly in areas of limited mobility, where a chance encounter due to lack of visibility can occur in a matter of seconds. Such is the case of narrow aisles with blind spots and the presence of ambient noise that hinders the detection of nearby vehicles.

This solution presents different options regarding intensity and choice of projected image.

Additionally, it can be complemented with other solutions developed by Claitec, such as the Pedestrian Alert System (PAS), increasing its effectiveness by detecting pedestrians or forklifts and alerting them to the presence of colleagues manoeuvring and walking nearby.

In summary, the VAS system is a good example of how effective signalling can significantly contribute to preventing accidents in industrial environments and in any place where pedestrians and vehicles interact regularly.

For more information about this solution, we invite you to visit our product section or to get in touch with us. We will be happy to assist you!

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