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Welcome Maria, Neus and Nil!

The Claitec team has recently been strengthened with three new additions:

Maria will act as support in Claitec’s administrative, commercial and production tasks.

She has a degree in communication, protocol, and institutional relations. She has worked in recent years in the organisation of events, fairs, and congress in Barcelona.

She defines himself as a versatile, planning-oriented, and organised person. Her hobbies include social media, cooking, and confectionery, as well as traveling and getting to know different places and cultures.

Neus will join our marketing department and add a breath of fresh air to our graphic design and corporate identity tasks.

She has a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from UdG and spent a year in Belgium where she specialised in visual and conceptual communication.

She is also an illustrator, so during her free time you will most probably find her drawing, preparing her own art exhibitions or selling her own goods in craft marketplaces.

Nil joins us to provide support to our production department and to act as a Technical Assistant in Software Development and R+D.

He studied a higher degree in Automation and Robotics and is currently continuing his training in the field of Electronic and Automatic Engineering at the UdG.

Nil is a technology enthusiast, especially of the development and programming of machines and robots. During his free time, you will find him cooking or playing football.

¡It’s a pleasure to have the three of you join our team!

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