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The environment: a primary issue on Claitec’s agenda

June – International Environment Month – is coming to an end. At Claitec, we would like to take this opportunity to highlight the key role that environmental factors play in our overall business strategy and in the design of all our industrial safety systems.

Caring for the environment, respecting nature, and the development of a sustainable environment must be concerns we all take into account in our workplaces. Technology is a powerful tool which – when applied appropriately – can help us become more efficient and considerably reduce our environmental impact.

All Claitec’s processes are carried out under the ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 quality and environment certifications, reinforcing the importance environmental concerns play in our philosophy, designs, development and commercialization of safety systems for the protection of people, and always seeking to improve our processes and add value to customers.

We are 100% committed to caring for the environment and we cannot conceive a solution if it is not truly responsible towards the environment, and without generating a sustainability plan for that system in relation to its manufacture, its use, and its subsequent disposal. This is how we approach suppliers, clients, and the general public.

In addition, we feel every industry must have its own environmental management and responsibility plan, and as such, we invite you to be as environmentally aware as possible and start taking action!

Should you need more information on how to improve your levels of occupational safety, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

The team at Claitec is here to help you.

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