In this post we’d like to discuss one of the areas in the field of safety at work currently undergoing major developments and projected to have an enormous growth potential and impact in all industries in the future. We are talking about biometric recognition systems which, identify and take standardised measurements of living beings and biological processes.
Biometric systems have now been successfully applied in different areas and their use is increasingly common, given its many uses and benefits. A very clear example of the application of this type of services has been achieved by one of our partners – Meibit. This company has successfully developed the authorisation of forklift usage by means of fingerprints.
This is an extremely useful system since it allows for a strict control over users and it guarantees that no forklifts will be started by unauthorised persons.
Other great advantages of these systems are:
- The use of codes or cards – a common practice in many companies – is avoided. Codes and cards are often a source of problems for several reasons, including the fact that anyone can use them. But with biometric systems such pitfalls are easily overcome.
- There is a record of the exact usage of the forklift – the system stores data pertaining to the time at which the vehicle starts to be used and the time at which it is switched off.
- The system does not require keys which, are so easily lost or damaged! The forklift can only be turned on after it recognises the user’s fingerprint.
- These characteristics also generate a greater commitment from operators when carrying out the task, since they know that only they can activate the forklift and the system will register how they did and how they maintain the vehicle.
- These systems are also fully compatible with different applications that may be required in the industries: access systems to the company, doors, premises, offices, and many others.
- This system allows for the very simple registration and deregistration of users.
Interested to find out more about biometric recognition systems?
Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Hello Team,
We are looking to install a BIOMETRIC DEVICE FOR FORKLIFTS in our facility. Thanks for sharing more information about the device and cost.