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HA, A Key Solution for High-Risk Areas

Machinery found in industrial environments like crushers, presses, recycling plants, etc. can pose a high risk to workers in case of mishaps like falls or blackouts. These can lead to serious accidents and yet, we are often unaware of the existence of effective safety systems to prevent such eventualities.

While our first safety measure starts with the appropriate training of authorised personnel to ensure compliance in accessing and using these machines, it’s important to remember that we are all humans and there’s always bound to be distractions, recklessness, or unexpected factors, such as falls or blackouts.

The Hazardous Areas (HA) developed by Claitec has been specifically designed for this type of situations.

The HA Solution is an activator installed on a machine which stops its operation if a worker is detected on the conveyor belt. To be detected, workers must carry a personal tag – such as the T-10R, a device we have recently discussed on this blog.

The HA solution also requires a control box that constantly verifies the correct functioning of the system.

Claitec has implemented the HA system in more than 100 plants, allowing us to verify its effectiveness and, most importantly, helping us identify the areas where we can make continuous improvements to increase overall safety at work. Our latest version features many enhanced functionalities over its previous versions.

We invite you to learn more about this system by visiting our website and to contact us should you have any questions or enquiries. Our expert team members will be happy to assist you!

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