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Some actionable ideas for a healthier work routine


There’s no debating that reaching our goals without any effort it’s rarely possible. We know only too well the kind of fatigue the weight of our work responsibilities and routines generate on us. We are constantly overcoming a sea of difficulties to better ourselves in the tasks we do. However, while striving to become the best we can be, we should never neglect our health or that of our co-workers’. That’s why today, we’d like to share some tips to help you make your workplace a much healthier and enjoyable space for everyone.


Firstly, it’s essential to encourage healthy eating in our teams. Including fruits and vegetables in the diet is a key component of a better quality of life. Drinking water, avoiding soft drinks or cola drinks, avoiding snacks and foods high in fat or sugar are also key measures to promote.


In second place, fighting smoking – another key strategy given the proven damage that addiction causes on health. We recommend developing internal educational campaigns on the subject, while implementing smoke-free areas and setting up limited spaces for smokers.

Meanwhile, it is also recommended to generate policies that invite staff to participate in sports and other physical and aerobic activities. For example, some firms sign agreements with gyms in their vicinities to offer discounted membership for their employees. Others generate internal sporting competitions among peers to encourage exercise and build stronger bonds amongst their employees.


These sort of activities not only help release stress but also encourage better brain function. Similarly, experts advise, among other things, creating corporate preventive programs in the field of Occupational Health to help combat work stress, depression and poor relationships.

Meanwhile, on a day-to-day basis it is important to attend to the tasks that are given to the operators: we must avoid giving a workload that puts the person in a space of responsibilities that is too monotonous and limited, preventing him or her from having social contact or relationship with their peers and limiting the development and application of his or her creative abilities.


In the same sense, it’s important for task assignments not to generate role conflicts which could cause employees to have far too many responsibilities not related to their specialty on their shoulders, only to become a burden. Having clearly determined hierarchical structures will also help create a more harmonious and orderly operation.

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