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L’Oréal Installs the PAS system at its Egypt plant


Claitec’s PAS System has once more shown its amazing potential!

More and more, our clients are requesting this modern tool that seems to fit in in so well with their various needs.

Today, we’d like to share with you one of Claitec’s proudest achievements – the implementation by internationally renowned cosmetics multinational company L’Oréal of the PAS System in its centre of operations in Egypt.


L’Oréal trusted Claitec’s PAS System to improve operations at its production plant in the city of Cairo, Egypt, and the firm quickly noticed the benefits that the tool brought about. The company itself has evaluated the project as a complete success and quickly shared their benefits with the entire group with the aim of extending its application to other of its warehouses.


The installation at the Cairo plant was carried out in two phases: a first stage in which 6 forklifts were equipped with the PAS System and a total of 25 people with the Personal T-10 key ring. The second phase saw 4 zones being equipped with traffic lights as traffic control elements in points with low visibility and pedestrian traffic.


It should be remembered that the PAS System warns forklift drivers when it detects pedestrians at adjustable distances of 1 to 6.5 meters. It is a unique system that keeps people and objects apart, and it even detects workers who are located behind a wall or physical barriers.

The PAS System helps minimise the number of accidents and it reduces the risk of pedestrians being run over in industrial environments. It creates much safer and more efficient working environments. It’s also very easy to install and operate, being marketed as a simple kit. All pedestrians need to do is to carry electronic keychains (tags) that alert drivers.

The PAS Solution is the perfect tool to be used in loading and unloading areas, areas with poor visibility and high traffic, at pedestrian and forklift crossings, in store aisle exits and any space or work area where forklifts and pedestrians coincide, such as production lines.


In addition – as we have already mentioned in previous posts -, the PAS System seamlessly combines with other tools offered at Claitec or with solutions that our customers are already using. This versatility allows the tool to adapt to each case, continue minimising the risk of accidents and improve safety in industrial spaces.


Would you like to find out more information about this topic or about any of the products we develop at Claitec?

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us! We are here to help you!


Si vous souhaitez lire cet article en français, cliquez sur le lien suivant: https://claitec.com/loreal-installe-le-systeme-pas-de-claitec/

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