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You are invited to a new virtual tour!

The video we would like to share today is a continuation of the virtual tour presented previously. Both show that at Claitec, we are constantly striving to achieve the highest levels of excellence in our products and services, always prioritising user support through various channels.

On this occasion, we present both the improved versions such as the TDS (Truck Docking System) , as well as the innovative solutions recently incorporated. Together with those presented in the previous video, these solutions take you on a complete journey that represents Claitec’s proposal and values.

The first of the new products we would like to share with you is the “Truck Inside Dock” – an effective solution which uses a projection on the ground to alert about the presence of a forklift manoeuvrings inside a truck at the loading dock.  In addition, the speed of the vehicle can be controlled using our LSA (Low Speed Area) solution, preventing accidents caused by inappropriate speeds during these manoeuvres.

Then, we have the VSG (Virtual Safety Gate), a solution that projects a luminous sign as a virtual gate indicating the right of way at intersections or when a restricted area is crossed without authorisation. In addition to the luminous simulation, it also generates a high-intensity sound signal to help prevent any distraction or recklessness.

The Crossing Radar is also one of the new products presented in this video. This system uses a radar at intersections with reduced visibility to warn vehicles or pedestrians about the presence of a forklift. It projects a luminous warning on the ground as a vehicle is detected.

As far as forklifts are concerned, our HLS (High Load Sensor) solution addresses the frequent problem of loads with excess height. A sensor feeds the driver constant information about whether the load exceeds the permitted height, improving visibility and preventing collisions.

Another solution used to address risk areas and situations is the so-called Detection Areas, designed for environments where high-risk machinery is frequently used. This solution can prevent serious accidents by stopping a conveyor belt as soon as it detects a person equipped with a personal tag -, hence preventing fatal consequences.

And finally, the latest of our safety solution is the innovative Safeyu platform, a cloud-based platform that allows you to manage all Claitec solutions from one single place, providing a record of all incidents and instructions in real time.

But that is not all, in addition to all the above solutions, we have also created a range of scenes that show our improvements or complement even more our solutions to increase safety.  Some of these scenes include the TDS (Truck Docking System) – with improved functions -, and the PSG (Pedestrian Safety Gate), which is shown in operation together with limiting barriers to manage traffic more efficiently.

We hope you enjoy this new journey and invite you to share, comment, and contact us if you have any questions or inquiries.

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