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HLS High Load Sensor: making life easier for forklift drivers

Always conscious of the vital role that forklifts play in the daily work of our industries today, at Claitec we are constantly seeking to provide solutions that complement their operation, make them more effective and safer, facilitating drivers’ tasks, and ultimately, helping prevent accidents.

In today’s post we’d like to introduce you to one of the latest tools we have developed after listening to several of our clients’ suggestions. After learning about some of the problems they face and some of the accidents that occur because of the excess height in the load transported by the forklifts, we created an innovative tool known as the High load sensor HLS.

The HLS warns forklift drivers as soon as it detects that the loads picked up exceed the permitted heights or predefined measurements. Thanks to the light and sound signal sent to the driver if the load exceeds the maximum allowed, we now prevent unsafe movements that could lead to an accident.

In addition, the HLS Solution is presented as an ideal complement in the prevention of accidents in warehouse doors, a weak point managed today by installing a bidirectional Tz2 Tag on the warehouse doors and incorporating the PAS System on the forklifts. These solutions make it possible for drivers to be warned when a vehicle approaches a door that is closed or not fully open.

If you have any questions, if you want to know more about our solutions or if you require our advice, do not hesitate to contact us.

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