Global trends show the growing importance of investing in risk prevention as a benefit for both workers and warehouses. Companies are starting to notice this is a smart way to attract talent to their ranks. In addition, public opinion in general has its eyes on the ethical practices of businesses, and the treatment of their workers.
Beyond the culture of the company – usually closer to concepts such as mateship, work environment, development opportunities, etc., – safety is a crucial issue for a worker to feel cared for. After all, the place of work is where the majority of us spend the most part of our days.
Let’s review some of the practices that are being observed more and more today.
Transport within the company
1- Installation of speed cameras
As a more conventional measure, companies are installing speed cameras and camcorders to ensure drivers respect the speed marked at all times.
2- It´s becoming compulsory to park with the back to the kerb
We have already talked about this on previous occasions – parking with the back to the kerb helps decrease the risk of accidents. Evacuations become more agile thanks to the greater visibility of drivers who can now leave immediately without having to reverse.
3- It´s becoming compulsory to install signal lights
As a way to reduce collision risks, companies are forcing drivers to install portable signal lights to make them more visible to other drivers, operators and pedestrians.
Awareness raising
While companies might be applying their greatest efforts to implement formal measures and controls to prevent occupational hazards, the reality is that the best care comes from the worker him or herself. Many companies have already understood that, and if the worker is fully aware of their safety, the need to implement formal controls and processes is greatly reduced.
4- Installation of Mirrors
Another common practice is to place a mirror in the entrance of the company or factory, with a message that says “This person is the main person in charge of your security”, or “This is the most important person in charge of the security in the plant”.
5- Other forms of awareness
Other forms of awareness include the broadcasting of videos that encourage the care of one’s own health-and others. Logically, these videos cannot warn of all the potential risks that exist in the workplace, but they can certainly inspire those who see it to adopt a defensive position before the existing risks.
Many use the same videos to transmit a certain culture and position themselves as a company that cares about the health and safety of its members.
Any means is valid when the end is the welfare of the workers. Companies must be creative in identifying which medium they can manage better and will have a greater impact. Many use the creation of a web portal that includes interactive materials and tasks, thus encouraging workers to learn about the topic of safety and receive additional contents.