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Three perfect assistants to help with nocturnal and low visibility manoeuvres

Unloading a forklift, stacking a container with cargo destined for export, removing all stock from a warehouse…

All these and other similar actions tend to happen at times when visibility conditions are less than ideal or even at night. We know only too well that industry related tasks know no schedules or excuses and, as such, we must always be prepared to deal with them!

That’s why today we’d like to share the many possibilities offered by three of the solutions designed at Claitec. Three solutions that will help perform any tasks in low visibility areas without any risks and without exposing the integrity of our team members.

  1. The PAS System, an extremely useful tool that warns forklift drivers as it detects pedestrians at adjustable distances of 1 to 6.5 meters. All pedestrians need to do is carry electronic tags that alert the driver by sending light signals when a forklift senses them.

  2. The TDS Solution (Truck Docking System) considers the work dynamics of cargo trucks, and it aims at minimizing the operators’ risk of being run over. It comprises detection sensors, a control unit and traffic lights. Its mission is to warn the forklift driver, by means of the traffic light about the presence of operators in the manoeuvring space.

  3. The BS Solution (Blind Spots) is a system designed to improve traffic flow and to avoid accidents involving industrial use vehicles and preventing workers from being ran over. The BS solution for blind spots is particularly useful in loading and unloading areas and manoeuvring areas with poor visibility.

This solution indicates – by using traffic lights or previously installed warning lights – who has preference at industrial space intersections – be it drivers or be it workers on foot. Pedestrians must carry the tags, either in their key rings or with their identification cards, and so do forklifts. Tags will emit light signals when detected by an activator and the traffic light or warning indicator will indicate who has preference, thus avoiding accidents or risky situations.

If you would like to find out more about the systems here discussed or if you’d like to discuss the many ways in which we can help you improve job safety in your company, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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