Investing attention and guidance when welcoming a new member to our work teams will help prevent safety errors and accidents at work.
Today’s suggestions will help you establish a more efficient induction stage for new employees as well as for their team leaders:
1) Welcome and training.
A new operator should never be abruptly introduced into the work team and their new role and functions. It must be a gradual process of sharing information and responsibilities. The person entering a new workplace generally faces a very diverse range of information and complex processes that he or she needs to assimilate. There’s also a large number of people to meet, which will require a lot of attention and mental wear and tear, which he will do while attempting to perform at the top of his/her abilities. All of that should be considered and carefully planned, and the person should receive an appropriate welcome to help them navigate through all these new situations and to process and assimilate all the necessary information for his/her job.
2) Guidance and progressive advancement.
During the first hours and days of work, operators will be more likely to make mistakes in their tasks, partly because of their lack of knowledge, and also because of their lack of control over their own environment. Therefore, it is essential to accompany, teach and assist them in whatever it’s necessary, understanding their doubts, and easing them into a gradual integration. In many cases, it is useful to assign an accompanying operator for that first period – a person of reference to assists the new member of the team and collaborates with him/her to help prevent errors and minimise the possibility of causing accidents at work or impacting job safety. While this is only done in the operators’ initial stages, it has a long-term effect and it improves safety levels, lowering the chances of accidents at work.
3) Monitoring and evaluation.
Once this second stage is completed, the operator will begin to perform his/her tasks with total normality, and with the ample support given throughout the welcoming process. In any case, it is positive and advisable to establish an evaluation and monitoring calendar of the operator’s performance. This has a double positive impact: On the one hand, it will allow the work team and the responsible person to ensure that the operator is complying with the established objectives and procedures, acting in accordance with the standards. And on the other hand, it will provide the operator with another chance to communicate and raise doubts and comment on how s/he has been feeling while performing the tasks, how s/he finds the work environment and any other aspects deemed relevant.
For any questions, for specific inquiries or for more information about our solutions, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we are here to help!