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CAS-G2: a vital tool to guarantee AGV’s safety in our workspaces

There is no denying that automatic guided vehicles – also known as AGVs – are extremely useful tools in our industries. However, just as we recognise them for their value and efficiency, it is good to ensure that other operators in the same perimeters are aware of their presence. That is why in today’s post we want to put the focus on a tool that is fast becoming a key ally in the safe inclusion of AGVs and operating manual forklifts in the same environment – the CAS-G2 Truck Anti-Collision System. 

Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe Oy (MLE Oy), – manufacturer of traditional warehouse trucks, automated guided vehicles (Rocla AGV), and electric heavy load forklifts – has been using the CAS-G2 system to warn drivers when other vehicles are detected. The company has achieved excellent results with its own AGVs and with those of one of their own clients who was also seeking to guarantee the safety of AGVs in areas shared with forklifts.

MLE installed the CAS-G2 system in AGVs with the group function, allowing them to ignore or leave those devices that belong to the same group undetected. This means that two AGVs in the same group are able to efficiently carry out their operations coordinated by traffic control even in close vicinity but each one of them will detect vehicles outside of that pre-established category, such as forklifts configured to be located by any CAS-G2 system. So, when an AGV detects a manual forklift in the proximity of the CAS-G2 device, it  does not accelerate, but keeps the current speed and emits lights signals. This gives the forklift driver a visual cue about the nearby AGV. Should the distance decrease further between the two vehicles, the AGV will continue sending the light signals and stop. In this specific case, the customer did not choose to add the function of an audio buzzer on the manual forklift to support the visual signals of the AGV.

The Groups function of the CAS-G2 equipment allows us to create four groups of machines in the same workplace: A, B, C and D. This function helps us differentiate machines that belong to different groups, which, for example, are performing different tasks in the same space, not only gaining efficiency in conducting the task but also preventing work accidents and safety incidents. For instance, when this function is running, the “Type A” device only sees the “Type B” device and vice versa. Meanwhile, if the group function is disabled, the CAS-G2 device detects any CAS-G2 device in the detection area.

The CAS-G2 forklift anti-collision system is an electronic safety development that evolves from Claitec’s CAS system. A state-of-the-art tool designed to warn forklift drivers when it detects other cargo vehicles in nearby areas and considers them at risk.

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