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The Fall Protection System: the only solution that will stop a machine after a fall occurs

We are pleased to continue adding names to the list of companies who rely on our solutions.

In this case, Grupo Promsa has trusted us with its recycling plant situated in the Manresa-based premises of the renowned tire manufacture, Pirelli. In this location, Claitec installed the Hazardous Areas Solution, designed to detect an employee’s fall in a machine zone.

This particular project required us to stretch our innovation capabilities to the limit, and the result is a completely new system that combines the Hazardous Areas System and the Fall Protection System. The new system prevents falls when working in hazardous areas, but it is also responsible for stopping the machine’s operation after the fall of the worker, to avoid even greater risks.

Currently, there are several retractable safety systems for workers in the market but Claitec’s Fall Arrest Device is the first system that alerts and fully stops the machine.

To learn more about this and other solutions, we invite you to visit our product page.

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