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Low battery simulator: your key to prevent unexpected events


We all know that the pace of work in the industry tolerates – less and less – any type of unexpected events, miscalculations or functioning problem of our main tools. It follows that every day is increasingly more important to be able to anticipate possible errors and prevent and act responsibly to cover all flanks.

That’s why in today’s post we’d like to introduce the TAG Low Battery Simulator (T-10sb), a highly effective tool for our daily operations.


As you know, the PAS System includes an element referred to as the AV-50 – the antenna responsible for the verification of the tags. This element also serves to corroborate if a T-10 tag is working correctly or if the battery is running on low and about to run out.

Of course, the AV-50 is an extremely useful device – to the point that it is currently placed in most PAS system installations. But when it comes down to business, we must also ask ourselves:


How can we put that verification antenna to the test?


And this is where the Low Battery Simulator appears. We can describe the simulator as a somewhat special T-10 Tag or a device with two pushbuttons – one that indicates if the battery level is correct and another that tells us if the battery level is running low.


The T-10sb is extremely useful when we first install the AV-50 verification antenna. In addition, some of our clients have requested this device because they also want to verify that the system works correctly from time to time – for instance, when they conduct annual or semi-annual reviews.

The Battery Simulator is also useful when testing registration software. In this case, the T-10sb’s unique identifier appears in the software every time the test is conducted, indicating whether the battery is at a correct level or whether it’s running on low.

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