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Pedestrian Safe Crossings (PSG) and Access Control

In this blog we have talked on many occasions about the PSG (Pedestrian Alert System) door, a solution developed by Claitec to create safer pedestrian crossings and restrict access to restricted areas to authorised personnel only.

In this post, we want to delve deeper into this system as it has become one of our most requested products, demonstrating its effectiveness and reliability in access management in industrial environments.

Easy to operate and with countless advantages, its main function is to distance pedestrians from forklifts by preventing their access them when both are operating in the same area, managing the right of way and avoiding accidents. The PSG communicates with various sensors developed by Claitec, such as the MT-50 to detect forklifts or the AV-30 to restrict access.

The PSG door consists of different components that can be configured in three different models:

  1. The most basic option includes an adjustable telescopic door between 70 and 100 cm, together with mounting brackets..
  2. The second option adds an RGB beacon that indicates the status of the door by means of light signals. When it is red, the door is blocked; when it changes to green, the area can be accessed without risk.
  3. The latest configuration, and of course the most complete, includes a traffic light and an emergency button to unlock the door in case of need. The traffic light, available in two models (with green/red light or with an added pedestrian icon), is highly visible to pedestrians and drivers.

In addition to the safety advantages offered by the PSG itself, its effectiveness can be increased by adding articulated barriers to stop forklifts when the door is unlocked for pedestrians, preventing accidents, for example, due to possible driver carelessness.

Another outstanding function of the pedestrian safety door is to manage access to restricted areas for unauthorised personnel. Lack of control in these areas is common and represents a risk both for workers and for the company. By combining the PSG with the AV-30 verification antenna, we can control these situations effectively, blocking access to restricted areas and allowing entry only to authorised personnel by using a personal T-10R tag.

In short, the PSG is a simple solution that prevents many risks, accidents and misuse of restricted machinery. It not only protects people, but it also optimises production and the safe operation of these spaces.

Should you have any questions on the PSG or any of Claitec’s safety solutions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our experts will be happy to assist you.

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