This Wednesday, April 28 marks another World Day for Safety and Health at Work, and at Claitec we could not agree more with the motto that the International Labor Organization (ILO) proposes this year: “anticipate, prepare and respond to crises” as well as with its call to “invest today in resilient occupational health and safety systems”.
According to the organisation itself, the Covid-19 pandemic has forced us all to face unprecedented challenges which have severely impacted our workspaces. Given this current situation we need our workplaces to be resilient and to able to cope with this type of crises, both today and in the future. And we need to be able to learn from these experiences and make the most of them.
In turn, this date is a good opportunity to put a focus on the importance of anticipating problems, preparing for, and strengthening our health and safety systems in our workplaces. We need to understand that investment in health and safety at work brings immediate benefits and it allows us to preserve a firm’s most precious asset – the integrity of each of the members of our teams.
Similarly, we should also talk about the leading role acquired by technological solutions that have helped us respond to new needs and highlight the great contribution technology makes in the construction of safer and healthier spaces – from accident prevention to helping avoid further contagion, for instance.
In this sense, at Claitec we are immensely proud to have contributed with the development of a solution that ensures social distancing – the T-10R SD (Social Distance Sensor). Based on the older T-10R, the T-10R SD incorporates a modification designed to alert operators when the programmed safety distance between people in the same room is breached.
This innovative tool focuses on monitoring proximity, in such a way as to maintain the established physical distance between people, helping us preventing contagions. The technology applied in this device is also used to avoid vehicle collisions in the CAS-G2 tool and can be combined with the PAS system, designed to warn drivers when an operator is detected nearby.
In conclusion, on this World Day for Safety and Health at Work, we call for all of us to continue to be responsible and innovative in our search for workspaces with fewer workplace accidents and fewer daily risks. That is where we place our efforts, and we know that by working together we can achieve great results.
If you have any questions and require our advice, do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help you.
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