When it comes to loading or unloading a truck and receiving or dispatching merchandise, every single minute counts! There’s no time to waste! However, we should never lose sight of a very important fact – working in a hurry to get things done shouldn’t risk employees’ safety or provoke potential accidents.
That’s why today we want to talk about a new concept that has been generating very good results in this area.
Let us envision a logistic warehouse like so many others where trucks are parked outside for loading and forklifts circulate inside loading and unloading the merchandise. In this situation we can frequently observe that as the load is being handled, forklifts tend to enter or exit the trucks at high speeds, generating several potentially risky situations.
First, there is a danger of suffering an accident. Forklifts generally need a ramp to reach the interior of a truck. If they speed up on their way up, they can hit an obstacle or rollover, among many other potentially hazardous situations.
Then, we also need to take into account the gradual physical damages caused to the forklift operator. Every time the forklift goes over a ramp connecting the warehouse to the truck, the vehicle can shake with greater or lesser intensity, generating a blow on the back of that operator, which, after hours and days, can result in significant injury.
For all these reasons, we’d like to introduce you to the benefits of the LSA (Low Speed Area).
The LSA is a system that will allow you to regulate the speed with which forklifts circulate on the loading and unloading areas, preventing and minimizing risks and injuries for your employees.
The LSA solves the aforementioned problems and tackles several potential risks. The device is easily installed in the trucks and reflector strips are placed on the roof of the warehouse delimiting the slow speed zones and the fast speed zones. When the forklift drives through these limits, the system automatically detects at what speed it should be circulating and changes the pace of the vehicle.
Similarly, in the loading and unloading areas, the LSA limits the speed of the forklift and forces the driver to drive at a safer pace. The system allows to easily switch from an unlimited speed mode to a controlled speed mode, making it extremely easy to be used in all sorts of daily tasks.
Find out how the LSA works in this video.
Additionally, at Claitec we have also developed other products to work against the various risk factors that occur in the loading docks. We invite you to visit our website and find out further details: claitec.com