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World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2017


The ILO celebrates World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28 in order to promote the prevention of occupational accidents and illnesses throughout the world.

The 2017 campaign focuses on the countries’ fundamental need to improve their capacity to collect and use reliable occupational safety and health (OSH) data.

It is not a surprise that our customers’ needs come first for Claitec. So, if we talk about upgrading technological know-how, we must necessarily talk about Research and Development (R + D).


Claitec has an extensive catalog of products and industrial safety solutions, elaborated according to the strict standards of current technologies and the expectations of our customers.


  • The Pedestrian Alert System (PAS) is one of them. When using forklifts, this system will alert the driver when a pedestrian is nearby. The solution differs from others in that it does not discriminate between obstacles and people.


  • The Low Speed Area (LSA) solution is designed to keep the speed of the forklift within a limit that varies according to the area it circulates on. Therefore, the areas where there’s a higher flow of personnel, those with a considerable number of vehicles circulating, or those where the maneuvering space is limited, should be driven at low speeds. On the other hand, in outdoor areas with sufficient space or where there’s generally not a lot of traffic, it will be possible to travel faster.


  • The Collision Avoidance System (CAS) warns forklift drivers when it detects other forklifts circulating at a range of 25 meters. This way, it does not matter if the other truck is in a “blind spot” of a curve, or if it is on the other side of an automatic door. The CAS system will caution the driver so that he or she will be aware of the presence of another vehicle.


  • Poor visibility is a frequent problem in factories and plants. Equipping pedestrians with the T-10 Alert System and with reflective vests will increase prevention levels in these high-risk areas. Other solutions include the installation of warning pilots and the use of Blind Spot (BS) Systems.


  • The Traffic Control System (TCS) is a global traffic control system, which has no reliance on batteries and mobile devices, and operates completely passively, i.e. it does not require human attention. When a forklift enters the safety zone, light warnings in the vehicle itself and the warehouse are activated, alerting them of its presence, while turning the pedestrian traffic light red and locking the pedestrian safety gate.


  • The Hazardous Areas (HA) solution prevents occupational hazards particularly in paper and cardboard recycling and recovery plants where personnel are in danger of falling into pits or conveyors.


Claitec’s solutions ensure an increased level of accident prevention in high-risk areas, greater control of persons alien to the work environment, protection of personnel and company assets, through reliable, easy to handle and easily installable alarms and individual warning systems for pedestrians and operators.


Would you like to find out more about how to reduce the risk of accident in a plant or factory?

Contact us now and we will gladly share our experience.

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