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world safety day 2016


The International Labour Organization (ILO) celebrates today the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

This year, “Workplace Stress: a collective challenge” is the theme of the campaign of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.




Stress is the harmful physical and emotional response caused by an imbalance between the perceived demands and the perceived resources and abilities of individuals to cope with those demands.


Work-related stress is determined by work organization, work design and labour relations and occurs when the demands of the job do not match or exceed the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker, or when the knowledge or abilities of an individual worker or group to cope are not matched with the expectations of the organizational culture of an enterprise.




  • Implement collective risk assessment and management measures for psychosocial risks as it will be done with other workplace risks.
  • Adopt collective and individual preventive and control measures and engage workers and their representatives in their implementation.
  • Improve the coping ability of workers by increasing their control over their tasks;
  • Enhance organizational communication.
  • Allow workers’ participation in decision making.
  • Build up social support systems for workers within the workplace.
  • Take into account the interrelation between working and living conditions.
  • Assess the needs of the organization by taking into consideration organizational, individual and individual/organizational interactions when evaluating workers’ health requirements.


The team at Claitec wants to join the ILO in celebrating the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. We also want to encourage all businesses to take care of their most valuable asset – people. And if profitability levels improve as a consequence, well, that’s just good news for everyone!

*Case Study: GSK

*Case Studies analyse the implementation of Claitec’s solutions in a specific client.

GSK defines itself as a multinational operating in the pharmaceutical sector, with a particular focus towards the sciences. Its main activity centres around research and development of a wide range of innovative products in three main areas: Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines and Consumer Healthcare.

The number of activities carried out by the company is staggering: GSH is commercially active in over 150 countries around the world, with a network of 84 production plants in 36 countries, and large R & D departments in the UK, Spain, United States, Belgium and China.

Identifying a problem

GSK had shared some of their concerns with us, specifically in warehouse safety: there were problems segregating pedestrians and forklifts in the production area, the distance to carry out both types of maneuvers was minimal, and they were worried about the potential for negligence or human errors at the different intersections.

We had always identified a risk in the coexistence of people and forklifts in the factory” explains Marta Leal Ramirez, Director of Prevention Services and the Environment.

However, Pablo Santamaria Lacuesta, Project Engineer at GSK, commented that finding an integral solution to their problems was difficult: “When it was time to face this project, we looked for the different business solutions available to us but none satisfied us fully as they failed to meet all the requirements we wanted“.

It was at this point that the engineering department at GSK contacted Claitec’s Engineering Department, and together they solved the problems at hand. In Santamaria’s own words, “we set up a personalized, customized system to address all deficiencies“.

The solution: Traffic Control System

The system Santamaria refers to is, Traffic Control – a comprehensive traffic control system, which is not dependent on batteries and mobile devices, and operates in a totally passive form, that is, it does not require human attention. The system provided a number of solutions to GSK’s main points of concern:

  • The physical segregation of pedestrians and forklifts,
  • Blocking the manoeuvre of the different gates which, prevent pedestrians from crossing,
  • Warning systems for forklift drivers to prevent blind spots.

Marta Leal commented that this solution allowed them to “break down barriers” in relation to other solutions on the market, and it has delivered “an independent passive protection system, completely independent from performance of both the pedestrian and the forklift operator“.

Looking ahead to fulfill their mission

The protection of people at GSK is an integral part of the company’s philosophy beyond its business line. As Marta says, ” GSK’s mission is to protect people, both our patients, as well as the persons working in our company. Within this framework, our main goal is to achieve and maintain zero accidents in a sustainable fashion“.

In line with this mission, Santamaria said that the company remains committed to further improve safety in all its different spaces: “Having implemented the first phase in the production side of the business, we will face new challenges and will proceed to install Traffic Control in the warehouse, because the high density of forklifts and pedestrian traffic is a major challenge for us”.

We are pleased to continue adding names to the list of companies who rely on our solutions.

In this case, Grupo Promsa has trusted us with its recycling plant situated in the Manresa-based premises of the renowned tire manufacture, Pirelli. In this location, Claitec installed the Hazardous Areas Solution, designed to detect an employee’s fall in a machine zone.

This particular project required us to stretch our innovation capabilities to the limit, and the result is a completely new system that combines the Hazardous Areas System and the Fall Protection System. The new system prevents falls when working in hazardous areas, but it is also responsible for stopping the machine’s operation after the fall of the worker, to avoid even greater risks.

Currently, there are several retractable safety systems for workers in the market but Claitec’s Fall Arrest Device is the first system that alerts and fully stops the machine.

To learn more about this and other solutions, we invite you to visit our product page.

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