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Claitec is committed to continually invest in research that helps us transcend the current limits of RFID technology, enables us to take the next generation of products further in the most efficient way, and guarantees the safety of workers in risky industrial environments.


As such, we have the pleasure to welcome Francesc Massó to Claitec’s R + D department this month. Francesc has studied electronics and worked in developing radiofrequency products for more than 10 years. He thrives with big challenges in the form of projects using new technologies to create new products that deliver real value to people.


Francesc has been passionate about electronics since he can remember, having always enjoyed investigating and learning from new technologies. His hobbies include building FPV (First Person View) drones and building electronic equipment with Arduino or Raspberry.

And he is a DIY (Do It Yourself) philosophy enthusiast!


Francesc, it’s a pleasure to have you on board Claitec’s team!


Coined at the Hanover Fair (Germany) in 2011 – the largest exhibition of industrial technology -, the term “4.0 Industry” describes a trend that encompasses what could be defined as smart factories or cyber-factories. Digital technologies are the protagonists of this new model. Today’s global trend is to move towards digitalisation, in search of greater productive efficiency and logistics with the help of robotic tools and information management.

The first industrial revolution was driven by the introduction of the first steam production machine. The second, by the factories of mass production that displaced craft work. The third was the revolution in electronics, the Internet and renewable energy. Industry 4.0 is the result of the fourth industrial revolution which, seeks to take advantage of the immense capacity to obtain information that has exponentially developed in order to interconnect all the parts and processes of a factory using the Internet of things – that is, the potentiality of the physical objects of being interconnected through Internet. The immense wealth of data available today at all times can be processed and channelled through analysis software to produce more effectively.


Claitec proposes the development of safety measures focused on the concept of industry 4.0 – a product design that allows to identify and locate people, vehicles and robots. At the same time, it advocates a factory of the future working under a PIM structure (People-made manufacturing) to replace algorithmic mathematical models with other heuristics based on artificial intelligence, in order to help employees to complete the production process.

Process automation must be supervised, especially now that thanks to all these technological advances there’s a greater flexibility and adaptability to all sorts of eventualities. The use of wireless sensors and media is vital for this to happen. Data mining along with intelligent information management, prediction and prevention systems and artificial intelligence become very important tools and resources to ensure a safe production within the factories- safe for operators and safe for machinery and processes.


Claitec proposes for people to be decision makers and to be able to work in a safe and collaborative environment in unison with technology and machinery. The factory must become a healthy environment, where motivation permeates all levels and turns people into productive operators who work in harmony with technology, enjoying and understanding the new processes and the advantages that these mean for their work and their daily life.

Safety must be the first priority of the 4.0 Industry. The increasing presence of vehicles without drivers, robots and machines requires a functioning that ensures the safe and healthy coexistence between technology and people.

By implementing small electronic devices, Claitec can detect the location and movement of people and vehicles at all times. This also allows the development of a wide range of applications that solve security problems and enable better production. Just as GPS have revolutionised the way we travel, indoor location technology will enable many applications within the factory of the future that will revolutionise the way the industry works.


Claitec ensures an increased level of accident prevention in high-risk areas, greater control of outsiders, protection of personnel and company assets through reliable, easy to handle alarms and easily installable individual warning systems for pedestrians and operators.

When defining the business model, factories in Industry 4.0 should put safety first. The minimum cost of accident related time-off-work expenses amounts to 1,500 euros per day. Implementing measures to avoid these expenses should be a priority in view of the profitability these new smart companies have to economise energy and raw materials and the efficient allocation of resources.

For these reasons, any system that allows communication and location in an effective and accurate way becomes essential in this new scenario. Hyper connectivity – possible today thanks to the development of the media and technology – is aligned with this idea.


Customers’ needs come first for Claitec. Therefore, the marriage of teamwork and open innovation with employee social responsibility and empowerment are, and will always be, a priority when it comes to proposing solutions. Our concern to develop the best possible safety measures for the factories of the Industry, is a clear example of this goal.



The ALL4PACK International Packaging and Handling fair, will be celebrated from 14 to 17 November.

Tilt-import, Claitec’s importer in France, will exhibit our LSA (Speed Zoning) product ranges and latest developments.


Tilt-import´s presence at the fair represents an excellent opportunity to promote the CLAITEC brand and products on the French market.



CeMAT-ASIA 2016, the world’s main trade fair in Intralogistics and Supply Chain, was held a few days ago in China. Claitec is delighted with the reception our stand had amongst visitors.


Greenpack, Claitec’s importer for the Asia, will exhibit its PAS (Pedestrian Alert System) product ranges and latest developments.


Greenpack’s presence at the fair represented an excellent opportunity to promote the CLAITEC brand and products on the Asian market.



The PRÉVENTICA 2016 Health and safety at work Conference, will be celebrated from 4 to 6 October

Tilt-import, Claitec’s importer in France, will be present on the Fenwick stand exhibiting our LSA (Low Speed Area) product ranges and latest developments.


Tilt-import´s presence at the conference represents an excellent opportunity to promote the CLAITEC brand and products on the French market.


Two of the main goals of our safety solutions are to provide a safe environment for our customers’ workers as well as preventing possible accidents on the factory floor.

However, we know a company needs to maximize all its available resources and as such, we want to expand on other advantages that are generated as “side effects” when adopting industrial safety solutions in your company.


1- CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)


If your company is implementing safety solutions in its industrial plants, your company is already acting in a socially responsible manner.

Many companies go out of their way trying to identify where to apply their CSR efforts, when in fact, they have the opportunity to do so in-house more easily and with an immediate and demonstrable impact.

If your company invests in such solutions, it is already making an effort not all companies make and, therefore it is worth communicating it. Perhaps you might even spread your concern for your workers’ safety to other companies.


Our recommendation is to leave the “cold” and corporate aspect of CSR aside.


Don’t publish memos or reports that eliminate the human factor from your CSR efforts. Instead, tell stories and examples of workers in your company. Leverage Social Media and Newsletters to highlight how your employees work a lot more relaxed and happier.

You can read more about the relationship between innovation and environmental care in our post Innovating in the industry to better take care for our planet and also get some fresh ideas about how to apply your CSR efforts on the environment.
2- Operations / Production


Industrial safety solutions – through their devices and operating systems – have a process standardization effect. Consequently, it makes life easier for operators, who no longer have to focus their attention on preventing accidents, but can rely on technology to do so.

As an example, the PAS solution (Pedestrian Alert System) alerts forklift drivers when a pedestrian is nearby. In addition to fulfilling its main task – providing safety for workers -, it also has an effect on the operational productivity of each of them: instead of thinking where the risk areas are, the person can focus on doing his or her job.
3- Marketing and HR


Everyone likes to work and to do business with people with whom they share certain values. While it is true that often business decisions respond to a more rational and convenient logic, there is also an emotional factor in which we seek products or services that transmit values and virtues which we identify with.

In the area of HR, investing in workers’ safety and health sends a clear message of concern for the people in our company. If these precautions are implemented, and are properly leveraged through communications, activities, etc., they can have a very positive impact on the employees’ motivation levels and sense of belonging.


As far as marketing efforts are concerned, there is a noticeable trend in which public opinion expects companies to not only be engaged in making money, but to also show a “human” side. In fact, this has increasingly impacted on consumers’ decision processes when selecting one or another company/supplier.


Recommended reading: A new model of workplace safety


4- Finances


Companies that are responsible for industrial safety understand that “spending” in safety solutions in the factory floor is not just any other expense, but it is, in fact, an investment.

They prefer to invest money in this area, thus reducing the risk of an unfortunate events from happening in the future because they also know that the costs of accidents end up being a lot higher – we are talking about both the direct costs of accidents (which, hopefully will never happen to you!), Including legal costs, fines, etc., but also about indirect costs, such as the total demise of your company’s reputation.

Mobile phones risk in industrial warehouses


Both governments and the general population are gradually becoming aware of the new risks that have arisen as a result of the habits brought about by the new technologies. In 2014, the National Security Council warned that about 26% of traffic accidents in the United States were caused by mobile phone use.

The Seoul government in South Korea has also taken a series of steps by installing traffic signs alerting pedestrians of the existing risk. The aim is to educate people about the emergence of these new type of hazards.


Meanwhile, industrial warehouses, where pedestrian also converge with various modes of transport, are not alien to this reality. It is increasingly common to hear about an accident or collision triggered by a mobile phone distraction. The risks cover both pedestrians and machine operators.

The risks are many – from collision between forklifts, to forklifts running over pedestrians, accidents in unloading areas, or high risk falls. In addition, distraction is not only a risk in as much as it can directly lead to serious accidents, but it can also trigger them indirectly. For example, a mobile phone can make an operator forget to properly use the fall protection system or the personal tag.


Warehouses should react to these changes in habits


Both companies and workers must be aware of the impact that this type of changes has in people’s everyday behaviour and take action accordingly.

Of course, we are not implying that mobile phones are not a good technology, but there is no denying that these can become dangerous depending on how they are used. The problem is that it is a habit that is established increasingly in new generations, making them less aware of the risks.

Similar to the warning signs posted by the Seoul government, is it not time for warehouses to do something similar? Given that warehouse are much smaller spaces than a city like Seoul, we could even go a step further and establish strict and clear rules regarding the use of mobile devices in warehouses and factories.


Keen to learn more about how to reduce the risk of accidents in a warehouse or factory?

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Claitec team and we will be more than happy to share our expertise in this matter.

aniversario Claitec 2016


On this day three years ago, we launched Claitec.

We didn’t know what the future held for us but we had a vision, and we had the push to implement it.

That day, Claitec’s founders met and toasted with champagne for this new path that was opening before us.

Three years later, we are once again enjoying a good bottle of sparkly, but this time, we do it in the company of the many Claitec team members that have joined our project since day one.

Without them, Claitec would not be today one of the most respected suppliers of work safety solutions in both the national and international stage.


Plus this year there’s also double cause for celebration – we have been granted the ISO 9001 i 14001, cementing the levels of quality assurance that the whole Claitec team strives for.

What a gift for those who play a part on this effort every single day!

They definitely deserve this and many other celebrations!


Thanks to you, Claitec is continually innovating to improve the safety of workers worldwide


That jovial atmosphere we all felt on the launched day and again today on our third anniversary, is part of Claitec’s DNA.

We are a big family that comes to the office every day wanting to innovate and make a difference for businesses, entrepreneurs and workers worldwide.

And according to our clients, it seems we are doing a good job of it.

But without them, without our customers, the willingness to improve constantly of the Claitec team will not go very far.

That’s why we’d like to take this opportunity to thank each of the clients who trusts the safety of their workers in our hands.


Our great partners are also part of the Claitec machinery.

Thanks to them, our ideas become quality products and reach our clientes always on time, wherever they are.


And, of course, thanks to our families.

Thanks for the coffee that wakes us up in the morning after a long night of meetings.

Thanks for supporting us in our projects, journeys and visions.


Without all of you, there would not be a party at Claitec today.

And without all of you, the future would not be so promising.


So, we thank you once again for walking with us, and we invite you to do it for many more years so that, together, we can create a safer environment for companies and workers around the world.


3º aniversario Claitec 2016


And now yes, go ahead and open that bottle of bubbly and celebrate with us!


Claitec Safety 2016


The ASSE SAFETY 2016 Professional Development Conference & Exposition for OSH professionals, will be celebrated from 26 to 29 June

MRes Imports LLC, Claitec’s importer for the United States of America, will exhibit its PAS (Pedestrian Alert System) product ranges and latest developments.


MRES Imports LLC ´s presence at the conference represents an excellent opportunity to promote the CLAITEC brand and products on the American market.

Ensuring pedestrian safety warehouse


The National Safety Council of the United States of America has published a safety guide on the implementation and operation of mobilised vehicles, including forklifts, pallet trucks, rider trucks, fork trucks or lift trucks.

The document explains that pedestrian safety is often overlooked in lift trucks safety programs and yet, the number one cause of lift truck related work fatalities is pedestrians being struck by the vehicle.

In this document we analyse the main points dealt with in the above mentioned safety guide, highlighting the responsibilities of the different persons involved:



  • Ensure that aisles are wide enough.
  • Mark aisle ways for equipment and pedestrian walkways.
  • Keep walkways free from obstructions such as hand trucks and carts.
  • Mark slow-down locations: intersections, aisle ways, blind corners where doors open to an aisle, loading docks and where lighting is impaired.
  • Install and instruct operators on how to use convex mirrors where appropriate.
  • Ensure that only authorised and trained operators operate a forklift. Employers must certify that operators have been trained and evaluated in accordance with the OSHA standard.
  • Educate workers about the dangers associated with mobile phone distraction while driving and establish a policy for the use of wireless devices and mobile phones in the workplace.
  • Solutions such as Pedestrian Alert Systems (PAS) and Pedestrian Crossing Safety (PCS) are ideal to ensure total safety in plants where workers coexist with machines.


Forklift operators:

  • Use warning devices, such as lights, horns and backup alarms. The NAS solution is an example of device that minimises the risk of forklift collision in tight areas.
  • Slow down, stop and sound the horn at intersections, corners, and where vision is obstructed. The Blind Spot Solution (BS) is ideal for this type of situations while the Low Speed Area Solution is ideally suited to reduce speed.
  • Do not move the truck if there is no clear view of travel. Use a spotter for blind spots.
  • When possible, make eye contact with pedestrians.
  • Do not talk or text on a mobile phone while operating a forklift.



  • Never stop in front of a forklift or a piece of powered equipment.
  • Never stop in front of a loaded truck to attempt to swerve to avoid being struck. A load being carried could easily tip over or slide off of the lift truck and strike the pedestrian.
  • Stop and look when approaching a corner before proceeding – look both ways.
  • Walk on the right side of aisles.
  • Keep well away from the lift truck and other motorised machine to avoid being pinned by the swing.
  • Never ride as a passenger on a piece of powered equipment.
  • Stay away off the tilt mechanism.
  • Keep hands away from the mast and pulleys on a forklift.
  • Never walk or stand under the mast or load of a lift truck.
  • Be aware that the forks of a parked forklift pose a tripping hazard. Raised forks pose a strike-against or spearing hazard.
  • If on a ramp, be cautious of the hoisting machine. You could be pinned or hit by a load.
  • Be aware of the stacking procedures. You could be struck by falling loads-on both sides of the racking.
  • Be aware that a backing lift poses a hazard.
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