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As explained in our earlier chapters, in this series we are focusing on some of the recommendations issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the United States Department of Labour, a referent for those of us who work to improve safety in industries and to reduce workplace accidents.

Today, we’ll be analysing the incidence of fatal blows in the total number of work accidents, the risk they entail and some of the ways these can be prevented. We will also discuss some of the tools that can be used to prevent all the risks associated to this issue.

First, it’s important to remember that in the US, one in four deaths in the construction industry are the result of the collision with a vehicle. In general, being hit by an object is a very recurrent cause of accidents in the industrial world, and in the construction sector, in particular, up to 75% of fatal blows involve heavy equipment, such as trucks, forklifts or cranes.

OSHA’s manuals highlight the importance for occupational health and safety programs to include the many ways in which collision accidents can occur, breaking them down into the following categories:

  1. Vehicles.
  2. Falling objects or moving through the air.
  3. Building block walls.

Some of OSHA’s suggested measures to apply include:

  • Wearing a seat belt.
  • Checking the vehicles before each work shift.
  • Avoid driving a vehicle in reverse with an obstructed rear view unless there’s an audible reverse alarm or another worker to assist.
  • Operating vehicles or equipment only on roads or slopes that are safely constructed and maintained.

Also, it’s important to ensure that:

  • Any areas where lifting or emptying devices are to be used are free of workers.
  • Lowering or blocking the grader and scraper blades, rear loader, dump bodies, etc. when not in use.
  • Applying the parking brakes when parking.
  • Not exceeding the load for which the vehicle is rated or its lifting capacity, among other various points.

At Claitec we have developed various systems that help our clients prevent this type of serious accidents.

The PAS (Pedestrian Alert System) – one of our most requested tools – is designed to minimise any risks of collisions between forklifts and pedestrians in common work areas.

The PCS (Pedestrian Cross Safety System), reduces any risks due to collisions between forklifts and pedestrians in areas of high pedestrian traffic.

The BS (Blind Spot System), extremely helpful in poor visibility areas.

And the NAS (Narrow Aisle Safety System) which, minimises the risks of collision between forklifts in narrow work spaces.

These are just some of the many solutions developed by our team which are being applied with great success in all types of industries.

Do you have any questions about this system?

Do you need Claitec’s advice on any other matter?

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us, we are here to help!

As explained in our earlier chapters, in this series we are focusing on some of the recommendations issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the United States Department of Labor, a referent for those of us who work to improve safety in industries and to reduce workplace accidents.

Today, we’ll be focusing on the analysis made by such institution on the importance of creating safe work spaces in our industries, and how investing in safety always ends up having a positive impact on other dimensions of the business.

The primary goal of the safety and health programs developed by OSHA is to prevent injuries, illnesses, and deaths in the workplace, as well as to avoid the suffering and financial hardship that these events can cause to workers, their families, and employers. Their best practices suggest a proactive approach to managing safety and health in the workplace, and OSHA emphasises that having safe workspaces also results in companies that are strong in all areas.

The agency highlights the fact that the implementation of their recommended practices will help companies in:

  • Preventing workplace injuries and illnesses.
  • Improving compliance with laws and regulations.
  • Reducing costs including significant cuts in compensation premiums for workers.
  • Engaging workers.
  • Improving their social responsibility goals.
  • Increasing productivity.
  • Improving overall business operations.

By looking at it this way, the approach to spending on occupational health and safety can be understood from an ethical and human point of view, as well as from a purely financial point of view – safety is thus seen as a long-term investment that will generate a real financial impact and a clear return for the organisation.

Continue reading part 6

Do you have any questions about this system?

Do you need Claitec’s advice on any other matter?

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us, we are here to help!

As explained in our two earlier chapters, in this series we are focusing on some of the recommendations issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the United States Department of Labor, a referent for those of us who work to improve safety in industries and to reduce workplace accidents.

Today, we’ll be discussing OSHA’s recommendations pertaining to the prevention of falls in the workplace, and comment on the benefits of Claitec’s Fall Protection System, an ideal solution for hazardous areas designed to stop the machine’s operation to prevent further damages.

According to data published by OSHA in its “Stop Falls” campaign, falls are the main cause of death in construction. Anyone working in this sector knowns how prevalent and widespread falls are.

The following tips will help us prevent this type of work-related accident by planning our tasks well in advance in order to be able to observe and understand the potential risks and take the appropriate measures.

Similarly, it’s important to include in the total cost estimate of any work the amount corresponding to the appropriate equipment for working at heights, in such a way as to be able to provide the operators with everything they need to safely perform their tasks, covering all risks and providing the greatest possible number of protection mechanisms for our employees. In addition, OSHA emphasises the need to provide trainings that ensure operators understand how they should proceed and what measures they must take to be safe.

Claitec has been working on this issue for a long time and our team has developed a helpful system that has already prevented many serious accidents and improved overall safety in many workplaces – the Fall Protection System.

The FPS System consists of a retractable safety device which, is anchored to a fixed element and connected to the worker with a safety harness. When a fall occurs, the harness tenses up and the Fall Protection Device detects this tension. This device is also responsible for sending the stop signal to the machinery in the plant, causing a quick halt in the functioning of the machine, which results in a quick stop of its operation, eliminating all risks and preventing serious injuries or fatal accidents.

Continue reading part 5

Do you have any questions about this system?

Do you need Claitec’s advice on any other matter?

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us, we are here to help!

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