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Claitec at CeMAT 2016: Thank you to everyone who visited us!

CeMAT 2016, the world’s main trade fair in Intralogistics[1] and Supply Chain[2], was held a few days ago in Germany. Claitec is delighted with the reception our stand had amongst visitors.

All four days were extremely intense – Hall 26, where Claitec’s stand was located, witnessed a stream of visitors from 36 different countries speaking in a variety of languages and accents. Many of those came to the stand and talked to us about our solutions and the potential benefits for their companies. Most of them gifted us with their business cards with the intention of keeping in contact in the near future.

Staying on the fascinating topic of international visitors, we had the pleasure of welcoming to the Claitec stand representatives from the United States, the Netherlands, Belgium, Israel, France and the Czech Republic. Every one of them helped us significantly in understanding the problems our customers face worldwide. Among those who approached us, we had the pleasure of talking to leading forklift manufacturers worldwide, including Linde, Still, Junghenreich, Toyota, Nissan and Clark.

CeMAT was a great opportunity to display our new solutions and show these live. There was special interest during our demonstrations of TCS Traffic Control System, the demonstration briefcases of the PAS and LSA solutions[3], and the new Tag T10R with rechargeable battery. Witnessing the LSA life also helped visitors understand the true value of the product.

However, one of the most positive outcomes of the fair were the conversations we held with our visitors. Their comments, questions and contributions allowed us to gain insight into their needs in relations to our products. It was particularly positive to learn from the potential users themselves, what are the potential improvements they’ll be interested to see in our solutions as this opened the door for many new opportunities.

But this did not end in Germany!

We are currently swamped with a flood of queries, information requests and greetings exchanges that emerged from CeMAT. And the messages keep on coming!

We’d like to share a video about our presence at the event. We take this opportunity to thank all those who joined us before, during and after the event.

We hope to see you in the forthcoming edition of CeMAT 2018!

[1] The concept of internal logistics refers to the movement of goods in manufacturing facilities, distribution centres or warehouses. In practice, it is the flow of reception, storage and shipment of goods from the time they arrive until the moment they leave the premises.

[2] A supply chain consists of all processes involved directly or indirectly in meeting the customer’s needs.

[3]    Briefcases with all items required to implement each of the solutions.

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