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Claitec is always innovating and expanding and this month we welcome a new member to our team!

Maria Izquierdo join us to offer support in the areas of administration, sales, communication and production.

She studied sociology at the UAB and has a masters in communication. She has spent some time in Germany, but affirms she can no longer live away from the Mediterranean Sea.

Passionate about interacting with people, she has worked for the last six years on web projects and promoting digital communication for clients from a wide variety of sectors.

Always looking for the most eficient and empathic way to communicate with others, she now takes on the challenge of delving into our sector.

She defines herself as a multi-tasker and an enthusiast of continuous learning. Her hobbies include basketball and she’s always committed to defending her team.

She believes maternity changes one´s life and affirms having children is equivalent to doing a master’s degree in non-verbal communication!

Welcome to the team, Maria!

We’ve often talked in this space about the different systems we offer our clients.

Today, we want to go a little further and delve into our working methodologies.

And that’s because for us, at Claitec, there’s no better product than that which delivers safety solutions for our customers.

This is how we approach our tasks and challenges every day, and today we want to share it with you.

What is Claitec’s work methodology?

  1. The first step in our work process starts when we receive a specific query or need from a new or existing customer.

    Generally, the focus of these enquiries is on requests for safety solutions, improvements in safety in a workplace environment and enhancements in the prevention of occupational accidents for very diverse industries.

    As mentioned, we usually receive new queries from direct and established customers, new customers, distributors, through web consultations, after participating in national or international fairs, and also after reading one of our articles and getting in touch via mail, phone or social media.

  2. Once the request in question has been received, Claitec’s technical-commercial team starts its engines and, after due evaluation of the situation, informs the client about the possible solutions to his request.

    Sometimes we have a product tailored already to that particular need.

    In other cases, it’s necessary to make small adjustments to an existing tool.

    And in other instances, we are forced to decline our assistance as unfortunately we don’t have a solution for that particular case.

    What have we found in time?

    We have discovered that the cases where we are unable to help on the fly are the best seed for innovation, and the perfect boost for our team in the development of new solutions in safety and improvements in the prevention of work accidents.

    So much so that, in more than one occasion – as you might have read in different articles of this blog -, we have developed a tool from scratch to provide a solution to the problem presented by our client. To give you an example, we have managed to innovate and continue to improve our specialisation in areas such as traffic management, the detection of people in workspaces, safety zones and speed limitations, among other work specialties.

  3. Then, the third step is the elaboration of the technical-commercial proposal.

    A large team of specialists intervenes in this process.

    First of, the technical-commercial engineers, with a strong experience in occupational safety.

    Then, the focus comes down to the design of the solution, in which experts work in electronic and radio frequency design, mechanical and/or product design, automation design and other key suppliers that collaborate in the process of developing the solution.

  4. Once the solution has been developed, the product’s distributor or installer, or the vehicle’s distributor/installer, normally intervenes, while the Claitec team is responsible for the coordination of all tasks, with the aim of facilitating our customers the installation and access to their new solution.

This culminates a process that always aims at satisfying our clients and their needs, as well as providing real solutions to labour safety problems, rather than products or tools in particular.

Do you have any further doubts to Claitec’s work methodology?

Or perhaps you’d like more information about our solutions?

In any case, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

We are here to help you!

Investing attention and guidance when welcoming a new member to our work teams will help prevent safety errors and accidents at work.

Today’s suggestions will help you establish a more efficient induction stage for new employees as well as for their team leaders:

1) Welcome and training.

A new operator should never be abruptly introduced into the work team and their new role and functions. It must be a gradual process of sharing information and responsibilities. The person entering a new workplace generally faces a very diverse range of information and complex processes that he or she needs to assimilate. There’s also a large number of people to meet, which will require a lot of attention and mental wear and tear, which he will do while attempting to perform at the top of his/her abilities. All of that should be considered and carefully planned, and the person should receive an appropriate welcome to help them navigate through all these new situations and to process and assimilate all the necessary information for his/her job.

2) Guidance and progressive advancement.

During the first hours and days of work, operators will be more likely to make mistakes in their tasks, partly because of their lack of knowledge, and also because of their lack of control over their own environment. Therefore, it is essential to accompany, teach and assist them in whatever it’s necessary, understanding their doubts, and easing them into a gradual integration. In many cases, it is useful to assign an accompanying operator for that first period – a person of reference to assists the new member of the team and collaborates with him/her to help prevent errors and minimise the possibility of causing accidents at work or impacting job safety. While this is only done in the operators’ initial stages, it has a long-term effect and it improves safety levels, lowering the chances of accidents at work.

3) Monitoring and evaluation.

Once this second stage is completed, the operator will begin to perform his/her tasks with total normality, and with the ample support given throughout the welcoming process. In any case, it is positive and advisable to establish an evaluation and monitoring calendar of the operator’s performance. This has a double positive impact:  On the one hand, it will allow the work team and the responsible person to ensure that the operator is complying with the established objectives and procedures, acting in accordance with the standards. And on the other hand, it will provide the operator with another chance to communicate and raise doubts and comment on how s/he has been feeling while performing the tasks, how s/he finds the work environment and any other aspects deemed relevant.

For any questions, for specific inquiries or for more information about our solutions, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we are here to help!

Wholesale stores are a very attractive option for clients on the look out for good opportunities and products at reasonable prices. There’s no denying, though, that wholesale stores are not the friendliest spaces to navigate through! Clients are often thrown into an industrial style space where they have to constantly avoid the forklifts that are responsible for replenishing merchandise and put some sort of order to the stores. It’s fair to say that the safe coexistence between vehicles and pedestrians in wholesale centers is a somewhat complex matter!

As a result of several enquiries we have received from some of our clients, we would like to discuss some of the benefits that the Traffic Control System (TCS) presents for this type of environments.

A practical and useful tool in accident prevention, the TCS Solution consists of a comprehensive traffic control system, which does not depend on batteries or mobile devices. It also works completely passively, which means that it doesn’t require human attention, constant maintenance, or usage monitoring.

The only elements required for the proper operation of the TCS Solution are: one AC-50 activator, one TZ2-Tag, one control box, a beacon, a traffic light and a gate. These are really durable and resistant pieces in a typical industrial environment.

The devices allow the detection of the forklifts previously equipped with the activator, and they send the information – if necessary – to the traffic lights, the signaling beacons, the safety gates and the handrails, in order to separate vehicles on one side and pedestrians on the other.

Similarly, when a truck enters the safety zone defined by the TZ2-Tag, the vehicle and warehouse lighting warnings are activated, alerting them to their presence. At the same time, the pedestrian traffic light turns red and the previously installed safety gate is blocked. When the truck is removed from the safety space, the traffic light automatically turns green and the previously activated mechanisms are unlocked.

This innovative system can be applied in large warehouses, wholesale supermarkets and markets, so as to make possible the coexistence of circulating cargo trucks and pedestrian traffic without exposing any of them to any risks.

In this way, the space is not only more orderly but also – most importantly -, safer, avoiding accidents and injuries.

Would you like to learn more about this innovative product?

Watch this informative video.

Would you like to find out more information about this topic or about any of the products we develop at Claitec?

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us! We are here to help you!

We all try to prevent accidents from happening every day. We look for all possible ways to reduce risks and avoid problems for our workers and workmates. However, we know that accidents – or rather, unforeseen events -, are always present. That´s why today we´d like to share some smart tips that can help you act more effectively when you need to respond to unforeseen events in our workplace.

  1. First of all, we must bear in mind that it´s essential that operators and area managers must be trained in and knowledgeable about first aid. This is a worldwide trend, and the training and periodic updating of knowledge for workers in our industries or factories should always be considered a key part of our training.

  2. Secondly, we must bear in mind that very often, the extent of the consequences of a work accident and its effects on the future of that person, could very well be determined by how quickly the problem was answered or given attention to. Therefore, time is money in these situations, and just as important is to give a trained, reasoned and comprehensive response, and not act in an imprudent and impulsive manner, simply being motivated by the willingness of “wanting to help”.

  3. We know that having a first aid kit is key. In most countries this is mandatory, but beyond that, we must check it constantly and ensure that is kept complete and with all the articles in the correct form and expiry dates. All first aid kits must have – according to local regulations – the items needed to take care of cases such as minor injuries, cuts, scratches, punctures, wounds, burns, blisters, bruises and sprains. They must also be easy to transport to the location of the accident in question.

  4. During an accident we must remember three words: protect, warn and rescue. Protect implies that before taking any action, we must be sure that both the injured party and ourselves are out of risk and out of reach of further damage. This means stopping the machine in question, preventing further loss of gas or liquid, or other similar actions. As far as “warn” is concerned, we need to seek assistance from specialists: doctors, firemen, etc. And finally, “help”: we must act on the injured person within our capacity to do so by assisting with things like checking their state of consciousness and pulse.

  5. Extreme caution in the mobilisation of the injured. The general notion is that the injured person should not be moved unless their integrity is in danger if they remain where they are: for example, in a fire. If it’s necessary to transfer them, it must be done with complete caution, and according to the criteria previously decided, as mentioned at the beginning.

Are you keen to have further information on some of the tools available at Claitec for the prevention of accidents in your industry?

Don´t hesitate to get in touch!

In this post we would like to share several suggestions we’ve found to be very important in order to avoid accidents at work and improve job safety in all industries.

The following is a list we’ve created and labelled “The 8 fundamental pillars to prevent workplace accidents”. We hope you find it helpful!

  1. Order. It’s essential in n every organisation to have clear rules and updated protocols for action. Only this was it’s possible to standardise tasks and prevent unforeseen events, ensuring efficiency and compliance.

  2. Responsibility. A work area requires well-assigned and divided roles and tasks. It needs that each operator understands his/her responsibility and the risks associated with his/her work. This way due care will be taken when acting and when performing potentially risky actions.

  3. Training. The members of the organisation must be trained in occupational safety and accident rates. It is essential that they know the protocols of action against accidents and evacuation, among other several key points. Investing on workers’ training and knowledge improvement always yields positive results.

  4. Cleanliness. Problems related to cleanliness or maintenance of work tend to affect or cause accidents. It is necessary to comply with established standards and avoid accumulation of waste, spilling products, or similar situations.

  5. Trust in technology. It has been demonstrated that the incorporation of technological solutions helps to reduce the number of work accidents and to improve safety in our work spaces. It’s always positive to rely on new tools to improve processes, and to provide greater safety to operators, machinery and facilities in general.

  6. Protection elements. Having the necessary safety equipment for each activity is essential to prevent accidents, as well as being rigorous in terms of requiring operators to comply with the established rules and use those elements whenever indicated. Occasionally, work routines lead to the abandonment of protection elements, but we must not forget that they play a key role in prevention.

  7. Registration and monitoring. After an accident has occurred in the workplace and once its immediate consequences have been addressed and resolved, it is essential to proceed with a report on the matter and generate a specific record. This is key to then be able to have controls on that area and to follow-up on the subject, preventing similar events from being repeated.

  8. Compliance. Although it seems unnecessary to mention it, there are several rules that establish the parameters of control and operation in workplaces and industrial areas. Complying with these safety regulations will be key to avoid accidents. For example: complying with the aspects pertaining to rest hours, ventilation, cleanliness, equipment and medical controls – are just some widely regulated points that we must not be ignored.

If you’d like to have more information about other ways of preventing accidents or if you’d like to be informed about the solutions we offer at Claitec, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

We are here to help you.

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