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The LOGISTIC summit & expo 2019 fair, the Latin America’s main trade fair in Intralogistics and Supply Chain, will be celebrated from 13 to 14 March.


DRILL Company, Claitec’s importer in Mexico, will exhibit at stand 1812, exhibited its PAS (People detector) product ranges and latest developments.


We will be delighted to see you at LOGISTIC summit & expo 2019.

It is with great pride and enthusiasm that we’d like to communicate that, in just a few days, we’ll be heading towards Stuttgart, Germany to exhibit our products at the Logimat Trade Show. From February 19 to 21, Claitec will be one of the protagonists in the 17th edition of this prestigious international trade fair for intralogistics and process management solutions.

As a technological company specialising in the implementation of industrial safety solutions and prevention of occupational accidents, it is of the utmost importance for us to participate in an event of this magnitude. In Frankfurt we will not only be presenting our products and sharing our progress with our customers, but we’ll also be exchanging ideas with colleagues from all over the world and continuing to learn and improve as professionals.

The 2018 Logimat Fair was a great success, having recorded a remarkable growth in indicators as important as visitors and exhibitor numbers and the overall exhibition area. In total, more than 55,000 industry professionals attended the event, and more than 1,500 international firms were present.

This represents an increase of more than 50% in the number of visitors to the fair in just three years. These numbers together with the quality of the products exhibited and the exchange of ideas that takes places, continue to reinforce the fact that Logimat is the most important industrial fair in the world in terms of logistics and processes.

So, today, we’d like to invite you to visit our stand!

If you the possibility to participate in this great event, please come and talk to us about our latest developments!

As a prelude to our presence in Frankfurt, these are some of the products we will be presenting there:

  • The new T-10R tag: A long-lasting active RFID device that can be placed on any asset or person. The T-10R stands out for its rechargeable battery, high density LED lighting, vibrator, powerful sound warning, wireless charging and rugged design.
  • The new CAS-G2 application (forklifts anti-collision): Our traditional solution for forklift detection and presence warning has been reinvented to provide even better results in the prevention of accidents. The new system improves forklift location and gives drivers faster notice when it detects another vehicle in its proximity.
  • The VAS (Security Alerts Display) solution: A device presented at the beginning of November in Sweden at the Logistik Transport 2018 Trade Fair – the main transport and logistics fair in Scandinavia. Claitec already exhibited this tool in Sweden and it consists of a device that warns pedestrians and/or forklifts of risk situations by projecting signals on the ground. It is a very innovative system, but one of great interest for the industry given its potential to improve job safety.
  • Wireless charging station: A charger designed to supply 12 T-10R Tags. A very useful tool for companies with a large workforce. This development allows for an automated and very simple loading of the tags, avoiding human errors such as forgetting to check the load.

Do you have any questions?

Do you have more information about our participation in the fair?

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us!

And we look forward seeing you in Frankfurt!


Claitec’s PAS System has once more shown its amazing potential!

More and more, our clients are requesting this modern tool that seems to fit in in so well with their various needs.

Today, we’d like to share with you one of Claitec’s proudest achievements – the implementation by internationally renowned cosmetics multinational company L’Oréal of the PAS System in its centre of operations in Egypt.


L’Oréal trusted Claitec’s PAS System to improve operations at its production plant in the city of Cairo, Egypt, and the firm quickly noticed the benefits that the tool brought about. The company itself has evaluated the project as a complete success and quickly shared their benefits with the entire group with the aim of extending its application to other of its warehouses.


The installation at the Cairo plant was carried out in two phases: a first stage in which 6 forklifts were equipped with the PAS System and a total of 25 people with the Personal T-10 key ring. The second phase saw 4 zones being equipped with traffic lights as traffic control elements in points with low visibility and pedestrian traffic.


It should be remembered that the PAS System warns forklift drivers when it detects pedestrians at adjustable distances of 1 to 6.5 meters. It is a unique system that keeps people and objects apart, and it even detects workers who are located behind a wall or physical barriers.

The PAS System helps minimise the number of accidents and it reduces the risk of pedestrians being run over in industrial environments. It creates much safer and more efficient working environments. It’s also very easy to install and operate, being marketed as a simple kit. All pedestrians need to do is to carry electronic keychains (tags) that alert drivers.

The PAS Solution is the perfect tool to be used in loading and unloading areas, areas with poor visibility and high traffic, at pedestrian and forklift crossings, in store aisle exits and any space or work area where forklifts and pedestrians coincide, such as production lines.


In addition – as we have already mentioned in previous posts -, the PAS System seamlessly combines with other tools offered at Claitec or with solutions that our customers are already using. This versatility allows the tool to adapt to each case, continue minimising the risk of accidents and improve safety in industrial spaces.


Would you like to find out more information about this topic or about any of the products we develop at Claitec?

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us! We are here to help you!


Si vous souhaitez lire cet article en français, cliquez sur le lien suivant: https://claitec.com/loreal-installe-le-systeme-pas-de-claitec/


Logistik Transport 2018, the Scandinavia’s main trade fair in transport and logistics, was held a few days ago in Gothenburg, Sweden.


The Claitec team, together with APEX Company, Claitec’s importer in Sweden, exhibited its PAS (Pedestrian Alert System), the LSA (Low Speed Area) product ranges and latest developments;


  • The new Personal Tag T-10R: it’s a small long-duration active RFID device that can be placed in any active or person
  • The new CAS-G2 application (Collision Avoidance System): It’ a new solution that warns the drivers of the trucks when it detects other trucks.
  • The VAS solution (Viewing Safety Alerts): it’s a solution that warns pedestrians and/or forklift trucks by projecting signals on the ground.


Our presence at the fair represented an excellent opportunity to promote the CLAITEC brand and products on the Swedish market.


Claitec is delighted with the reception our stand had amongst visitors.


We know that technology is advancing at vertiginous speeds. This can be overwhelming and almost impossible to keep up with. We also know that, many times, technology is considered to be an expensive component of a business without a clear or predetermined return in relation to the initial investment.

However, these points should not be a deterrent when it comes to incorporating technological solutions to the industrial sector. We should not be afraid to incorporate technology into our processes. On the contrary, we must feel technology is a reality in today’s workplaces and try to redouble our efforts to overcome the challenges it presents, moving forward with it and becoming more efficient.


In this article, we’d like to highlight five reasons why your business should be opening its door to technology.


1. Less costs, more efficiency. The incorporation of technological solutions allows us to save money and improve efficiency in the operation of our companies, industries or organisations in general. This doesn’t mean that you’ll have a need for less staff as new technological developments are incorporated into our business. On the contrary – you’ll be able to optimise resources and automate as many processes as possible. Technology will help you act faster and with a much smaller margin of error, while your staff will be able to dedicate themselves to other tasks in which they stand out and achieve results over technology.


2. Enhanced innovation. It has been proven that using digital tools and new technological developments has a positive impact on the entire structure of organizations, promoting innovation and the development of creative solutions as well as modernising processes.


3. It motivates staff. Technology is present everywhere today and is embedded in our daily routines. If your team members see that your firm is committed to technological solutions, they’ll also feel that their workplace is projecting into the future and preparing itself to be better.


4. Positioning and strengthening. When your clients – and the public in general – find out that your firm successfully incorporates the most recent technological developments into their processes, they have an added incentive to trust your organization.


5. Improves safety. The incorporation of technological systems in the different processes of organisations results in a direct improvement in safety levels, as it has been demonstrated by several international studies. It improves both the security in the handling of the information, as well as the physical safety of the people who integrate those structures.


For example, with the systems developed by Claitec and adopted by dozens of companies, technology results in a direct improvement of operators’ safety and physical integrity.


Would you like to find out more information about this topic or about any of the products we develop at Claitec?

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us! We are here to help you!


We know that the wood industry is a dynamic sector with a strong export focus. It demands a large amount of labour and it involves various industrial hazardous processes which place high safety demands on staff.


Today we’d like to talk about the benefits that the application of the Fall Protection System developed by Claitec brings to this industry and why it meets its reality and needs to the tee.

First, we must bear in mind that the wood industry involves the permanent use of heavy machinery, elevators, large trucks, cranes, and saws for the processing and preparation of raw materials. In addition, there’s the handling and process of large logs. This means that a simple oversight can leave the operator vulnerable to being crushed or seriously injured.


That’s why we are convinced that the Fall Protection Solution is a key ally for the wood industry. An extremely easy-to-install and use, this system is composed of an anchor point, a fall arrest mechanism, a steel retractable cable and a safety harness.

When performing such tasks or when handling these tools, the operator only needs to attach his/her harness to the retractable cable – at the fixed mooring point -, and he /she will be protected. In case of falling, the device is responsible for immediately detecting what’s happening and sending a signal to stop the machinery involved, preventing the automatic operation from causing any harm to the person.


The shape and structure of the fixed mooring point should be sufficient to prevent the automatic disconnection and sliding of the device. Therefore, the use of fixed and certified fixed mooring points is recommended, in accordance with the European standard EN795.

This system’s components stand out for their durability and robustness, qualities that ensure their correct operation in intense work spaces and in industrial areas that may require the constant use of this device. The system is suitable to be used in any of the work areas related to the wood industry. It can help tremendously to improve accident prevention when working with tools such as presses, crushers, compactors or large fixed saws.


Keen to find out more about Claitec’s Fall Protection System?

Eager to learn more about our work?

Don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help!


We work in spaces where establishing order is not always easy.

For instance, a lot of effort is required to ensure that areas with a high volume of traffic and pedestrian movement become efficient, risk and accident free spaces. Other examples we can think of would be container facilities, or truck loading and unloading areas but surely you can identify a space of these characteristics and similar challenges in your own industry.


In this post we’d like to introduce 3 very useful tools that will improve operational safety and efficiency in those type of sites:


1). LSA System for Low Speed Areas. A device installed in the forklift design to automatically detects in which zone a speed limitation signal is located. It uses a panel of very durable coded reflective strips that is easily placed above the doors in the work area or in areas where a change of speed is required.

By using this system, slow and fast zones are clearly defined and when the forklift passes by a previously installed speed change panel, the sensors automatically detect these signals and generate the corresponding change in the vehicle’s gear.



2). The Traffic Control System (TCS) is an integral system which doesn’t depend on batteries and mobile devices. It works completely passively, that is – it doesn’t require human attention. This system allows us to keep pedestrians and forklifts in separate spaces, in addition to alerting forklift drivers of the existence of blind spots.

The TZ2-Tag devices are placed in the warehouse to detect the vehicles equipped with the AC-50 Activator. Traffic lights, signalling beacons, safety gates and handrails are also installed to segregate pedestrians and keep the operation and the dynamics of the transit of the area in order.


Therefore, when a vehicle enters the safety zone delimited by the TZ2-Tag, the vehicle and warehouse lighting warnings are activated to alert them to its presence. At the same time, the pedestrian traffic light is set to red and blocks their access through the security gate. Once the forklift leaves the safety space the traffic light automatically turns green and the gates are unlocked.



3). The CAS Collision Avoidance System is a durable, robust and easy-to-install solution that warns forklift drivers when it detects another vehicle at distances of up to 25 meters.

All industrial vehicles are compatible with the PAS AC-50 activator, a device that helps driver to avoid accidents or risks of impact in spaces where there’s significant transit. Pedestrian presence and large loads.



If you would like to receive more information about the systems mentioned in this posts, or if you are thinking about improving the safety in your company, don’t hesitate to contact us.



Loading vehicles play a fundamental role in our daily industrial activity. However, when these circulate in areas where other workers are working or driving, they become a high risk factor that often ends up being a cause of serious work accidents. Today we’d like to share several basic tips to help minimise these risks and the impact of industrial vehicles on pedestrians.


1) Know your workspace traffic rules

Generally – as if circulating in any city – pedestrians have preference. Although it’s clear that several factors complicate this premise. That’s why it’s suggested that forklift drivers focus on observing the road along which the vehicle is moving, whether it’s forward or in reverse. The floors must be correctly signposted, but beyond that drivers – especially if they are new -, must learn to be alert to any traffic and around intense traffic areas and always follow previously established traffic norms.


2) Use mirrors as safety measure

Mirrors are very effective if used as an extra measure of precaution in our work spaces and areas of high intensity traffic in industries. Concave mirrors, which are usually used at the exit of garages and parking lots, can also be very effective for the purpose of checking the entire angle of manoeuvre in spaces such as tanks, ports, terminals, etc. They are a great ally to deal with blind spots when manoeuvrering, plus they are very affordable and easy to install.


3) Clear maximum speed parameters                                                                 

While this is nothing new our experience reminds us that this is a topic we must insist on: it is very important that very clear maximum speeds are located in every vehicle circulation area, and these must be respected. At a high speed, it will be more difficult for the driver to detect a blind manoeuvring point, and the chances of an accident happening will increase. Not to mention that the damage caused by an impact at speeds above the established are also bigger than those generated by an impact at a controlled or reduced speed.


4) Make the most of “an extra pair of eyes”

It is much easier and more likely to avoid a blind spot accident if we use devices designed to warn us about the close presence of pedestrians near a moving forklift. With this type of tools, the driver can focus on manoeuvring, while the device will assist him or her to warn them of someone’s proximity.


Claitec offers different solutions that will allow you to improve the safety standards of your industry. The PAS Solution, for instance, will allow you to minimise the risk of accidents between forklifts and pedestrians in common work areas.

Are you keen to find out more about this or any other of the solutions we offer?

Don’t hesitate to contact us at: https://claitec.com/en/contact/




In this post we’d like to discuss one of the areas in the field of safety at work currently undergoing major developments and projected to have an enormous growth potential and impact in all industries in the future. We are talking about biometric recognition systems which, identify and take standardised measurements of living beings and biological processes.


Biometric systems have now been successfully applied in different areas and their use is increasingly common, given its many uses and benefits. A very clear example of the application of this type of services has been achieved by one of our partners – Meibit. This company has successfully developed the authorisation of forklift usage by means of fingerprints.


This is an extremely useful system since it allows for a strict control over users and it guarantees that no forklifts will be started by unauthorised persons.






Other great advantages of these systems are:

  • The use of codes or cards – a common practice in many companies – is avoided. Codes and cards are often a source of problems for several reasons, including the fact that anyone can use them. But with biometric systems such pitfalls are easily overcome.
  • There is a record of the exact usage of the forklift – the system stores data pertaining to the time at which the vehicle starts to be used and the time at which it is switched off.
  • The system does not require keys which, are so easily lost or damaged! The forklift can only be turned on after it recognises the user’s fingerprint.
  • These characteristics also generate a greater commitment from operators when carrying out the task, since they know that only they can activate the forklift and the system will register how they did and how they maintain the vehicle.
  • These systems are also fully compatible with different applications that may be required in the industries: access systems to the company, doors, premises, offices, and many others.
  • This system allows for the very simple registration and deregistration of users.


Interested to find out more about biometric recognition systems?

Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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