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In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses returning to work need to reinvent themselves in order to minimise the risk of spreading the virus. More than ever it is imperative we maintain respect and solidarity between people in order to return to work in this “new normal” that appears to be here for a long time.

The team at Claitec wants to contribute to these challenging times with a proactive attitude, introducing new proposals to ensure that the industry goes on and it’s able to continue to work safely and with all possible health guarantees.

According to all experts, while there’s no efficient vaccine to alleviate the disease, the best way to minimise infections between individuals is to maintain a physical distance.

That’s why today we would like to present our new T-10R SD (Social Distance sensor) solution based on our T-10R system. We have modified it to alert workers when the preprogramed safety distance protocols are breached.

1. What is the T-10R SD system?

The T-10R SD is a proximity monitoring solution designed to maintain the physical distance established between people within the same workplace (offices, warehouses, logistics centres, workshops, etc.).

2. What devices can be it used with? We have two solutions.

The T-10RSD tag is a long-lasting active RFID device intended to ensure a safety perimeter of 2m between people (the distance recommended by health authorities).

The T-10RSD Badge is an adaptation of the T-10RSD tag, which also acts as a card holder. The operator only needs to carry a single device that includes the safety tag and the personal identification card.

3. How does it work?

All the person needs to do is to carry the tag to establish a safety perimeter of 2 to 4m. When another person (who is also carrying the tag) enters the 4m safety perimeter, the tag will turn on the orange light as a warning signal.

If the person comes closer than the 2m social distance, the tag will beep and turn on the red light as a warning signal for people to physically separate and minimise the risk of spreading the virus.

Please note that the distances are configurable.

Las principales características de los tags son:

  • Adjustable distance sensor
  • Set-up button
  • Fall warning system
  • Non-movement warning system
  • Two-way communication
  • Rechargeable battery
  • High intensity LED lighting
  • Mute vibrator
  • High intensity audible warning
  • Waterproof, easy to clean.

In times of pandemic we need to ensure maximum safety and efficiency in our workplaces and Claitec wants to contribute by discovering and adapting new technological solutions that make our work lives safer.

If you have any questions or are interested in applying this solution to your work environment, do not hesitate to contact us! We are here to help!

It goes without saying that we live challenging times. We found ourselves in a context unimaginable until recently overwhelmed by great many fears and pressures, trying to keep everyone around us safe, our families and the community at large. In this context – in a world full of tension – it’s important to remember the core principles of our industries. We should not forget the importance of keeping within the parameters that govern our work in order to guarantee safety and health in our work spaces.

For this reason, we would like to make use of this space to remind everyone involved in our industries to stay safe at work. Your safety is essential, so please take care of yourselves – that is the message we need to emphasise, over and over again.

The pressures, the difficulties, the added distractions cannot make us forget something as important as respecting workers’ safety norms. If we neglect ourselves, we risk the most important thing.

Obviously, work dynamics are changing all around us these days: mandatory distances, work shifts in smaller teams, more complete protective equipment – everything is different and we must adapt. But beyond that, the usual safety parameters cannot be altered. We must continue to provide greater access to safety tools and protocols which give operators the possibility of carrying out their task without facing great risks or jeopardising their integrity.

Safety tools – such as those developed here at Claitec – fulfill a fundamental task, always providing support to our operators.

Let’s not forget that technology can play a key role right now and help us make the task easier and safer.

Do you have any questions about this topic? About any other issue? Do you need our advice on matters pertaining to safety at work?

Do you have any questions about this topic? About any other issue? Do you need our advice on matters pertaining to safety at work?

Don’t hesitate to contact us! We are here to help!

Governments, employers, workers and societies worldwide face a huge challenge in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, which is why the World Health and Safety at Work Day (which is commemorated every year on April 28) will focus this year on addressing infectious disease outbreaks at work, with special attention to the current coronavirus pandemic.

The continued increase in COVID-19 infections in some countries and the presence of Illness throughout the world generates fear and great uncertainty. Industries have been hard hit and from different perspectives by this reality. Beyond the immediate crisis, there is also a concern to resume activity, so progress made in the suppression of transmission is maintained.

In this framework, and as we reach the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28, we should all call ourselves to accept a new reality and incorporate new habits and routines that protect us against infectious diseases.

This year the goal of the International Labor Organization (ILO) is to stimulate the National Tripartite Dialogue on Occupational Health and Safety and take advantage of this day to raise awareness of the adoption of safe practices in the workplace, while showing the role that health and safety services play in the workplace (SST).

This day will also focus on the medium and long term efforts, including recovery and future-proof, in particular the integration of measures into systems and OSH management policies at national and business level.

More information on this topic can be found on the International Labor Organization’s website where it is also outlined that the earlier announced 2020 theme of the World Day – on violence and harassment at work – has now been replaced in view of the current global health crisis.

Clearly this reality calls us to be responsible in our work in the industry, and to adopt measures that are up to the circumstances, being aware that occupational safety and health can really save lives, and that only with a collective effort can we end this pandemic.

Do you have any questions on this topic? Any other query or require our advice?

Please, do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help you.

Businesses are called these days to attain maximum leves of responsibility and protection before the very complex Covid-19 pandemic we live in. Since at Claitec we want to think one step ahead and focus on the aftermath of this health emergency, in this post we would like to share 7 helpful recommendations to ensure hygiene in your workplace at anytime.

  1. Perform hand hygiene routines frequently (wash with soap and water or alcoholic solutions).

  2. Avoid close personal contact and keep a distance of more than two meters with people with flu-like symptoms (runny nose, nasal or conjunctival congestion, dry or productive cough, tearing, feverish appearance, etc.).

  3. Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues when you cough or sneeze, and then wash your hands.

  4. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth as your hands facilitate the transmission of the disease.

  5. Carry out frequent cleaning and disinfection of working facilities such as: surfaces, door knobs, furniture, sinks, floors, telephones, etc. To maximise your protective measures you can use household bleach and other chemical agents.

  6. Ensure the adequate ventilation of all premises and frequent emptying of garbage deposits.

  7. Wear vinyl / acrylonitrile gloves in all cleaning tasks. If you use latex gloves we recommend using them over a pair of cotton gloves.

In this space we often talk about “innovation” …

About the need to be “innovative” with any solution designed to improve safety in workspaces and reduce occupational accidents…

However, today we feel the need to dig deeper.

That’s why in this post we’d like to examine why it’s so important to open the doors of our industries to innovation and to start incorporating it into our way of seeing and addressing work and facing new challenges.

Here are three key reasons to incorporate innovation in our industries:

1) A vision of the future.

A company that is really open to innovation is a company that looks beyond the day to day. It seeks to renew itself and to incorporate new processes and tools that help it progress in its tasks and achieve better results. Taking this step implies understanding that innovation is not an isolated idea or a sudden burst of creativity, but the fact that innovation is directly associated with a conscious work mindset and process, with effort and conviction, in the search for knowledge, new ways of doing different things and getting results. Innovation is applicable to any industry or process, but it will not bear results if we are not really sure about questioning what we do, questioning the dogmas we’ve always assumed in our work, and if we don’t really aim towards taking a step forward and incorporating new techniques and new strategies.

2) Differentiation.

We work in markets that are increasingly full of products and services. There is a constant bombardment of commercial, advertising and global competition proposals in the same areas. In this sort of environment, innovation allows companies to differentiate themselves, improve their processes and progress. An innovative company will be able to achieve – after consolidating a working methodology -, its own identity, a differentiating image that will be key and that will end up positioning it differently in the eyes of its public. Today, this could be key to survival and success.

3) Cost reduction.

Similarly, well understood and applied innovation it greatly helps to generate savings in industry costs. Innovation allows companies to be more efficient and help optimise resources. Logically, all this results in better ROI for companies and lower costs for the final buyer.

Do you have any questions for us?

Any doubts about what we’ve talked about here today?

Do you need our advice?

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us, we are here to help!

In this video you can see an automatic gate using AV-50 verification antenna for pedestrian authorization.

At Claitec we are doing everything possible to contribute to the prevention and containment of the Covid-19 virus.

A doctor, speaking with a member of our team, explained the precarious situation that is being experienced in medical centers in relation to protective material against the extensive spread of the virus.

Claitec has contributed 3D technology to produce protective masks for primary health centers and hospitals.

We want to thank the company Servei Estació for the contribution of the material: transparent acetate sheets, adhesive neoprene and elastic tape.

Thanks to their collaboration, the health service of the province of Girona will be able to work more safely.

In compliance with the Decree of the Government of Spain dated March 29th, 2020 for non-essential activities, according to the current situation, Claitec feels obliged to suspend temporarily our production and logistics activities.

This suspension will be effective from today until April 14th or until a new date is indicated by the Spanish government.

We will continue to inform you as the situation progresses and we will gradually or definitively re-establish productive activities and material deliveries.

Once this exceptional situation has passed, Claitec is fully prepared to restart the productive activity and deliver our products.

While our production is on hold, we maintain our commercial tasks and technical support through teleworking.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions through the usual channels/contact information:

+34 972 183 225


We continue working side by side so that we can overcome this situation together as soon as possible and we wish you all health and responsibility.

Thank you very much for understanding and collaboration.

A lot of our clients often ask us about the characteristics and differences between the T-10 Tag and the T-10R Tag as they appear to be very similar products at first glance.

So, in this post we want to highlight their differences and the many unknown advantages of the T-10R Tag.

Both the T-10 and the T-10R Tags are small long-lasting active RFID devices.

They are placed in vehicle or carried by persons to be accurately detected by the AC-50 Activator – which is part of our successful PAS (Pedestrian Alert) System.

The T-10R Tag is an evolution of the T-10 Tag and presents several improvements over its previous version. For instance: we’ve improved both its reach radio and its ease of detection.

It also incorporates a battery with a minimum autonomy of a month and it’s rechargeable wirelessly. This is extremely helpful in making daily tasks easier.

Similarly, the T-10R Tag presents high intensity LED lighting, which helps rapid detection and ensures the visibility of the person wearing the tag.

The light generated by the T-10R Tag has a 360°angle, allowing it to be perceived from anywhere it is located, providing higher levels of safety to that workspace and helping to avoid accidents at work.

In addition, the tag has a vibration system, which acts as additional warning for operators in the presence of another person or vehicle. It also generates a high intensity audible warning, thus providing a wide range of warning systems and improving safety standards in the industry.

It’s also extremely resistant, which makes it an ideal component to be used in industries and work areas where operators coexist with cargo vehicles and large machinery.

Both tags have call button functions and the ability to detect critical points.

Do you have any questions about this or any other system in the Claitec’s range?

Do you need our advice?

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us! We are here to help!

The recycling industry is experiencing a remarkable expansion throughout the world. The need to recycle is increasingly clear as we seek to have a more sustainable planet. The result of this recycling boom is a much a greater presence of waste processing plants and materials for reuse everywhere. The tasks performed in these plants are highly intensive and the machinery used – crushers or compactors – are large and potentially dangerous.

In our mission to improve work safety and to reduce the number of accidents at work in the recycling industry, in this post we would like to talk about two tools that are tailored to the challenges presented by these plants, and that generate valuable contributions in such workspaces.

First of all, the HA Solution. This is an electronic safety solution that acts as a complement to the safety elements of conveyor belts or similar systems, helping to minimise risks and reduce accident rates. This tool automatically stops the functioning of the system when the antenna detects the tag in the space defined as “danger zone”.

When a person carrying the HA Solution tag approaches the area determined to be dangerous – for example in relation to a shredder – or when if operator falls into a conveyor belt in a recycling plant, perhaps after  being hit, stumbling or fainting, the system triggers an automatic action that stops the machinery, preventing major catastrophes.

This system, which has already been installed by Claitec in hundreds of recoveries plants, generates a “safe work field”, and it greatly reduces work accidents in certain spaces already identified as especially dangerous in this type of industries.

In addition, it should be noted that this system also records the date and time the machine stopped, as well as the tag number that was detected in the risk zone, so that it can monitor this situation and apply safety policies in this regard, preventing similar situations in the future. This solution also offers the possibility of verifying that the system is operative as an indispensable condition to work safely within the perimeter of the machine.

Then, there’s the Fall Protection System (FPS), designed to prevent falls when working in hazardous areas. It is a retractable safety element, anchored to a fixed element, and connected to the worker’s safety harness.

When a fall occurs, the harness experiences a sudden pull which is immediately detected by the Anti-fall device. This device, in turn, is responsible for sending the stop signal to the plant machinery, resulting in the rapid halt of the machine’s operation.

The device must be connected at the fixed mooring point, through the rotating shackle, using the connector. Naturally, the fixed mooring point must be above the user, so that the gravity force of the fall has the desired effect of generating the sudden tension in the harness.

This tool is also extremely useful in the recycling industry as it helps prevent accidents and serious injuries associated with operator falls.

If you would like to know more about the systems discussed above.

Do you have any questions about the systems discussed in this post? Any query about other products? Do you need advice? Please, don’t hesitate to contact us, we are here to help!   

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