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Achieving the expected results, being efficient, improving productivity, meeting customers’ expectations and generating growth are some of the many challenges we face whether working in the industrial sector or in any other type of organisation for that matter. However, this daily dynamic should not make us forget something as important as investing in prevention and concerning us with better job safety.


That’s why today we would like to share 5 key elements that will allow us to better understand the importance of approaching this issue from the correct angle:


1. First, it’s important to clarify that when we talk about investing in prevention – when we refer to the positive aspects of improving safety at work – we are not only talking about an economic investment. What we mean is that it’s necessary to dedicate time and energy to ensure that it becomes one of the pillars of our organisation and it extends professionally and globally throughout our business.


2. Then, it’s important to consider that the correct implementation of occupational safety and prevention measures should define the potential risks of workspaces, take appropriate measures, explain the issue to the workers in that space, and follow-up the matter ensuring it does not generate later complications.


3. Similarly, it’s vital to understand that work in occupational safety must be “transversal“: that is, it must cover all areas and levels of the company. All members of the organisation must also incorporate the established parameters to their work.


4. Safety at work policies must continually be updated. The work environment is a dynamic space in a constant state of change and where operating parameters can vary or be affected. Therefore, it is essential to keep our safety practices and policies up to date and adjust or correct everything necessary to ensure compliance with the standards established. In this sense, the correct training of employees is also key, as well as the tests of maintenance of competences and the training of the new members of the organisation.


5. Finally, we can assure that once we integrate quality policies pertaining job safety, we will not only be protecting the most important thing in our business – which is the integrity of the members of the organisation-, but we will also be adding efficiency and quality to the firm, which will end up having positive effects in the areas of results and productivity mentioned at the beginning of this post.


At Claitec we are here to advise you, help you and encourage your company to incorporate these much-needed processes. So, if you have any questions or if you want to know more about how we can meet your needs, don’t hesitate to contact us.


Our work at Claitec is nourished by new challenges.


We are committed to meet our customers’ demands and resolve their concerns as well as generate tools that provide integral solutions for them.

We also strive to ensure that all the needs raised by our systems’ users are met as professionally and efficiently as possible.


Bearing that in mind, today we’d like to introduce a new application for the PAS System which, has emerged from the conversations we sustain with our users, and making the most of the diverse options offered by this solid tool. We’ll see how the PAS System can be used to improve the safety in bridge cranes.


Located both inside and outside of factories and warehouses, bridge cranes are used to transport materials and loads in vertical and horizontal movements. These devices have one or two mobile beams on rails, which are supported on columns or consoles, and are located along two opposite walls of the rectangular building. The frame of the bridge crane consists of two transverse beams in the direction of the light of the building (main beams) and one or two pairs of lateral beams (front), located lengthwise towards the building, used to fasten to the others and to hold the wheels.


The PAS System is applied in a bridge crane as follows:


An AC-50 activator is installed on the bridge and a TZ2 on the doors or areas to be indicated. In this way, when the bridge is brought close to a door, the tag activates a luminous beacon that indicates to the trucks and pedestrians that the bridge is nearby, so that they can take all the necessary precautions.

Similarly, forklifts also have an AC-50 activator installed. When approaching a door, the luminous beacon of the door is activated to warn the bridge crane operator, forklift drivers and other operators in the facility that there is an active vehicle in that space.


Used in this fashion, the PAS System becomes extremely useful in different warehouse spaces, as well as in loading and unloading areas, and in all types of factories and industries.


If you are keen to have more information about this application of the PAS System or if you feel we can assist you with any issue pertaining to your industry, don’t hesitate to contact us!


This month we are very happy to incorporate Quim Martínez into the R+ D department.


He studied Electronics Engineering and Technical Telecommunications Engineering and he has focused his career on the development of technological solutions based on radio frequency systems, communication protocols and digital – analog electronics. In addition, he has extensive experience in the development of products under the European Directive Electromagnetic Compatibility 2014/30/EU, which It has as its main objective to ensure the proper functioning of the equipment designed, against the various disturbances in the industry, thus reversing in the safety of people and the teams themselves.


He has a clear vocation for customer-focused electronics. From a young age he believed that electronics can and should help people and companies to achieve their challenges and meet their needs.

Among Quim’s hobbies is music, of which he is passionate, especially from the 60’s to the 90’s. In his spare time, he plays drums and plays sports.


Quim, it’s a pleasure to have you on board Claitec’s team!


“I didn’t really see it”, or “it was impossible for me to guess it was there”, are some of the excuses we tend to hear after an accident has occurred. Sadly, in most cases these are pointless, especially if an operator has been injured in the collision. Unfortunately, we hear these statements far too often and this means we still have a lot of work to do.


That’s precisely why in this post, we’d like to talk about some of the simple strategies you can apply to improve operator visibility. We will also touch on some very useful tools to help avoid forklift accidents or collisions caused by workers’ low or no visibility either whether visiting the premises or while at their jobs.


The safety tools we want to highlight include the humble reflective vest as well as reflective signs on helmets and industrial footwear. This is a simple and very economic measure to implement, but extremely effective at preventing risks. All this type of signs worn by operators will make them “more visible” in the eyes of the drivers and will help prevent accidents.

Likewise, it’s important to bear in mind that the use of reflective vests requires a serious awareness from the workers, who must understand how important it is for them to keep the vest on at all times while at work, even though it might be uncomfortable to perform some tasks, or it might feel too hot in certain other occasions.


In that sense, in many industries it’s possible to minimise these problems by incorporating the reflective strips as part of the operators’ uniforms. This will not only help avoid the extra cost of the vests but will also ensure that everyone will wear the reflective elements without having to be constantly reminded about wearing their vests.

We must also keep in mind the different developments that can make forklift drivers and operators near the manoeuvring area more visible, thus reducing the risks of accidents.


Developments such as the Pedestrian Alert System (PAS Solution) which, minimises the risks of accident between forklifts and pedestrians in common work areas. This tool warns forklift drivers as soon as it detects pedestrians at adjustable distances of 1 to 6.5 meters.


Another option: The Pedestrian Crossing Safety Solution (PCS Solution), a very useful and easy to deploy tool designed to ensure the physical integrity of pedestrians in crossing spaces. It’s applicable anywhere in any type of industrial facility.

It consists of a system that warns forklifts – by means of previously installed traffic lights – about the presence and eventual crossing of pedestrians in their area of influence.


Would you like to find out more information about any of these solutions?

Are you keen to learn more about our products?

Don’t hesitate to contact us.


A company that aims to provide quality services according to market demands and needs should know their customers and do their utmost to put themselves in their place. It is a company´s duty to listen to their audience, find out what their difficulties are and work towards providing effective and safe answers. This is definetely our goal at Claitec.

That´s why today we´d like to share three solutions we´ve created after analysing the needs brought forward to us by our customers.


1) Case Study 1 – The LSA Solution:

The LSA (Low Speed ​​Area) solution allows us to limit the speed at which forklifts circulate in different areas of our warehouses.

This tool is specially designed to reduce forklift speed in areas with pedestrian and/or worker activity.This tool was conceived after noticing – in conjunction with our customers – the high rate of accidents and collisions caused by heavy vehicles that did not see or stop in time before pedestrians. The LSA Solution is a key ally in spaces with high intensity forklift movement and with a significant presence of personnel.


2) Case Study 2 – The TCS Solution:

GSK approached us to share some concerns regarding safety at its plant. Problems such as the segregation of pedestrians and forklifts, the scarce distance existing to manoeuvre, and the possible negligences that could occur in an intersection. They also mentioned they had analysed other options, but that nothing appeared to be an appropriate solution.

In this framework our team at Claitec started working in conjunction with the GSK professionals and managed to solve their challenges. According to the representatives of the firm, “we set up a customised system that solved all their deficiencies”. That result was the Traffic Control System (TCS).


This tool configures an integral traffic control system without having to depend on batteries or mobile devices, and works passively – that is, it does not require human attention. The system provided solutions to the concerns of the firm, managing to segregate pedestrians and forklifts, blocking the movement of gates that hinders the passage areas, and alerting drivers to avoid blind spots.


3) Case Study 3 – Detection of doors:

This is a product developed after listening to several customers who recorded accidents by operators who failed to notice several doors ajar or closed. Very often, workers assume that traffic is to be clear and focus on the load they are transporting or on the dynamics of the environment. This causes them to end up colliding with industrial doors or gates.

For this reason, we develop a system that activates itself when a truck approaches a door, and tells the driver if it´s closed or not open at all, in case he or she did not notice it yet. When the truck approaches a door, whether it is completely closed or not properly closed, a light and / or acoustic warning is sent to the driver, thereby consolidating a tool that has already greatly reduced this type of accidents.


If you are also facing any kind of safety challenge in your company or industry, if there are any concerns that you cannot solve and are constantly generating headaches for you, don´t hesitate to contact us. We can work to provide a solution tailored to your needs.


April 28 marks the World Day for Safety and Health at Work – a topic that concerns the team at Claitec every single day. Safety at work is a real challenge and one which we are constantly trying to overcome by seeking ways to improve and progress. World Day for Safety and Health at Work is always an excellent excuse to force us to stop and analyse the environment where we work and the new challenges that we face.

In addition, this year a joint campaign is carried out worldwide, combining the objectives of each April 28, with those of the World Day against Child Labour. Specifically, this year there are calls for improving the safety and health of younger workers, hoping to end the massive problem that is child labor. It We can´t forget that there are still 168 million children who are victims of child labour today. This joint date give us the opportunity to accelerate all actions aimed at combating this dreadful problem.


The international organisations involved in this cause have called for joint efforts among all institutions that deal with these issues, to create the type of work evironment that our future working generations deserve. Their goal is to adopt “a concerted and integrated approach for the elimination of child labour and the promotion of a culture of prevention in matters of safety and health at work “.

According to data released by these organisations, there are currently 541 million young workers in the world with those aged 15 and 24 years old representing more than 15% of the global labour force. These young people suffer from up to 40% more non-fatal occupational injuries than workers over 25 years of age.


At Claitec, we adhere to the World Day for Safety and Health at Work campaign and share the view that it is vitally important to address these challenges urgently, and improve the health and safety of young workers. We are convinced it´s imperative to end child labour now.

Our team is committed to developing different tools that address the problem of work accidents and help minimise their frequency and consequences. Among some of these tools we´d like to highlight:


  • The Pedestrian Alert System (PAS), which alerts the forlift driver when there is an operator near his or her work area, avoiding the risk of hitting the vehicle or the possibility of being run over.
  • The Low Speed Area(LSA), which allows to maintain the speed of the trucks when they are located within a specific space or area. This system is designed especially for spaces with a lot of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or for spaces with little room for maneouver.
  • The Collision Avoidance System (CAS), which warns drivers when it detects other forklifts in a 25-meter radius. It doesn´t matter if the other forklift is located in a “blind spot” in a curve or if it is on the other side of an automatic door, the system will alert the driver and allow him to act with caution in that situation.


These are just some of the options we offer at Claitec. If you´d like to have more information about our products and solutions and their application to your case, don´t hesitate to contact us. We´ll make sure we find a tool that is tailored to your needs.


There’s no debating that reaching our goals without any effort it’s rarely possible. We know only too well the kind of fatigue the weight of our work responsibilities and routines generate on us. We are constantly overcoming a sea of difficulties to better ourselves in the tasks we do. However, while striving to become the best we can be, we should never neglect our health or that of our co-workers’. That’s why today, we’d like to share some tips to help you make your workplace a much healthier and enjoyable space for everyone.


Firstly, it’s essential to encourage healthy eating in our teams. Including fruits and vegetables in the diet is a key component of a better quality of life. Drinking water, avoiding soft drinks or cola drinks, avoiding snacks and foods high in fat or sugar are also key measures to promote.


In second place, fighting smoking – another key strategy given the proven damage that addiction causes on health. We recommend developing internal educational campaigns on the subject, while implementing smoke-free areas and setting up limited spaces for smokers.

Meanwhile, it is also recommended to generate policies that invite staff to participate in sports and other physical and aerobic activities. For example, some firms sign agreements with gyms in their vicinities to offer discounted membership for their employees. Others generate internal sporting competitions among peers to encourage exercise and build stronger bonds amongst their employees.


These sort of activities not only help release stress but also encourage better brain function. Similarly, experts advise, among other things, creating corporate preventive programs in the field of Occupational Health to help combat work stress, depression and poor relationships.

Meanwhile, on a day-to-day basis it is important to attend to the tasks that are given to the operators: we must avoid giving a workload that puts the person in a space of responsibilities that is too monotonous and limited, preventing him or her from having social contact or relationship with their peers and limiting the development and application of his or her creative abilities.


In the same sense, it’s important for task assignments not to generate role conflicts which could cause employees to have far too many responsibilities not related to their specialty on their shoulders, only to become a burden. Having clearly determined hierarchical structures will also help create a more harmonious and orderly operation.


Always committed to a continued global strategic development, at Claitec we have expanded our capacity to provide comprehensive safety solutions worldwide and today we are proud to share the news that we have landed in the exciting Chinese market!


Claitec’s presence in China will be managed by our distributor: Greenpack (http://www.dehao.com/), who has already created a specific webpage (http://www.gosafety-china.com/pas/) to inform the industrial community in the Asian giant about our products and services and to help them discover the different functionalities and solutions that our tools and developments offer for their industries in their search for improved safety at work.


Today, no one can ignore the importance of the Asian market on the global map, let alone the strength of the Chinese industry. China is a world leader in gross industrial production value. In addition, China has an economy that has registered a constant GDP per capita growth in the last decade, among many other strengths. All this propels us to take this step forward, convinced that we have a lot to contribute in such a thriving and important economy for the global industry.

We know that -in line with what happens in other parts of the globe- in China there is a great concern and a growing interest in improving all areas of industrial safety. It is in this context that we have begun our work and the first signs show a very good acceptance of the solutions we offer.


If you’d like to find out further details about our company and about the products and solutions we provide, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: https://claitec.com/en/contact/


Logistic Summit & Expo 2018, the Latin America’s main trade fair in Intralogistics and Supply Chain, was held a few days ago in Mexico.


The Claitec team, together with Drill Company, Claitec’s importer in Mexico, exhibited its PAS (Pedestrian Alert System) product ranges and latest developments.

Drill Company’s presence at the fair represented an excellent opportunity to promote the CLAITEC brand and products on the Latin American market.


Claitec is delighted with the reception our stand had amongst visitors.


We have addressed the need to be vigilant about pedestrians within our industrial spaces more than once. We have also spoken about some of the precautions forklifts must take in order to avoid accidents and minimise any potential risks. In this post we’d like to introduce you to an innovative system that not only manages traffic in work spaces, but it does so autonomously.


Enter the Traffic Control System (TCS), which is used to separate pedestrians from forklifts in a joint work space. The TCS is a comprehensive traffic control system, which does not depend on batteries or mobile devices. It works totally passively which means that it does not require human attention, constant maintenance or monitoring.

An AC-50 activator, a TZ2-Tag, a control box, a beacon, a traffic light and gate are required to operate the TCS Solution. These are all durable components capable of resisting the harsh industrial routine. The devices that are installed in the warehouse allow the detection of the forklifts already equipped with the activator. If necessary, the information is then sent to the traffic lights, the signalling beacons, the safety gates and railings, in order to segregate pedestrians.

To give you an idea of the TCS’s function – when a truck enters the safety zone delimited by the TZ2-Tag, the vehicle’s and warehouse lighting’s warnings are activated to alert them of their presence. At the same time, the pedestrian traffic light turns red and the safety gate is blocked preventing workers in that work space to continue walking. When the truck leaves the safety space, the traffic light automatically turns green and the previously activated mechanisms are unlocked.

This innovative system can be perfectly applied in areas with low visibility, in spaces where there is a risk of blind spots, at pedestrian and forklift crossings, in spaces with a high forklift traffic, loading and unloading areas, in warehouses, production lines and many other options that you will surely find when installing it in your facilities.


If you want to know more about this innovative product you can see an illustrative video here. If you want more information about this system or any of the other products we offer, do not hesitate to contact us.

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