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The recycling industry is experiencing a remarkable expansion throughout the world. The need to recycle is increasingly clear as we seek to have a more sustainable planet. The result of this recycling boom is a much a greater presence of waste processing plants and materials for reuse everywhere. The tasks performed in these plants are highly intensive and the machinery used – crushers or compactors – are large and potentially dangerous.

In our mission to improve work safety and to reduce the number of accidents at work in the recycling industry, in this post we would like to talk about two tools that are tailored to the challenges presented by these plants, and that generate valuable contributions in such workspaces.

First of all, the HA Solution. This is an electronic safety solution that acts as a complement to the safety elements of conveyor belts or similar systems, helping to minimise risks and reduce accident rates. This tool automatically stops the functioning of the system when the antenna detects the tag in the space defined as “danger zone”.

When a person carrying the HA Solution tag approaches the area determined to be dangerous – for example in relation to a shredder – or when if operator falls into a conveyor belt in a recycling plant, perhaps after  being hit, stumbling or fainting, the system triggers an automatic action that stops the machinery, preventing major catastrophes.

This system, which has already been installed by Claitec in hundreds of recoveries plants, generates a “safe work field”, and it greatly reduces work accidents in certain spaces already identified as especially dangerous in this type of industries.

In addition, it should be noted that this system also records the date and time the machine stopped, as well as the tag number that was detected in the risk zone, so that it can monitor this situation and apply safety policies in this regard, preventing similar situations in the future. This solution also offers the possibility of verifying that the system is operative as an indispensable condition to work safely within the perimeter of the machine.

Then, there’s the Fall Protection System (FPS), designed to prevent falls when working in hazardous areas. It is a retractable safety element, anchored to a fixed element, and connected to the worker’s safety harness.

When a fall occurs, the harness experiences a sudden pull which is immediately detected by the Anti-fall device. This device, in turn, is responsible for sending the stop signal to the plant machinery, resulting in the rapid halt of the machine’s operation.

The device must be connected at the fixed mooring point, through the rotating shackle, using the connector. Naturally, the fixed mooring point must be above the user, so that the gravity force of the fall has the desired effect of generating the sudden tension in the harness.

This tool is also extremely useful in the recycling industry as it helps prevent accidents and serious injuries associated with operator falls.

If you would like to know more about the systems discussed above.

Do you have any questions about the systems discussed in this post? Any query about other products? Do you need advice? Please, don’t hesitate to contact us, we are here to help!   

In this space we usually like to talk about industrial safety and the prevention of accidents at work. Today, we want to focus on two key concepts in the field of prevention and employee safety in workspaces – Safety I and Safety II.

According to leading analysts on occupational safety, Safety I represent the conventional safety perspective. This concept takes occupational accidents as the focus point from which to think and develop work, seeking to “prevent bad things from happening.”

On the other hand, Safety II implies a new way of approaching the subject. A paradigm shift which argues that it’s a lot more positive to stop focusing only on how to prevent things from going wrong and places much more emphasis on how things are going well. In other words, we are asked to look at how the system works without accidents, thus expanding the area of ​​incident prevention and promoting safety management on simple risk assessment.

We must understand that the concept of Safety II shifts the negative view of “what goes wrong”, to achieving a positive look, emphasising “whatever it is that is going well”. This approach implies that occupational safety management should not be reactive, but it should be proactive instead.

That’s exactly the kind of philosophy we align with at Claitec. We understand that there’s a lot we can do in the area of prevention, and that our solutions can be great allies for any type of business looking to improve occupational safety and to reduce accidents.

The systems that we offer act as support and backup for the daily used tools and complement work dynamics, creating safe fields that protect the operators, for example in their coexistence with forklifts, and create much safer work spaces.

Are you keen to find out more about any of our solutions?

Do you need advice on any of our products?

Don’t hesitate to contact us.

Choosing the right safety system is the first step towards creating safer workspaces and reducing the number of accidents in our industries. However, this is a decision as transcendent as it is complex.

Today, we’d like to share several suggestions that will help you prevent and minimise human errors as well as to select the appropriate system for your needs.

The first step involves making an integral and professional analysis of our workspace to be able to detect potentially hazardous zones, opportunities for improvement and general indicators that speak to us about the safety in the site.

Following which, we must proceed to detect what type of threats we face and determine what elements are associated with them. In the analysis – and from the experience gained from working with our clients – several possible answers will present to us and we’ll identify the hot spots where major problems and accidents tend to occur. Based on that analysis, we can select the appropriate solution for each case.

The following systems and tools have helped our clients with some of most common safety problems:

1) People and industrial vehicles working in the same space:

  • Pedestrian Alert System. This is a very helpful safety tool which warns forklift drivers when a person is detected at adjustable distances of 1 to 6.5 metres. This unique system can identify people and objects, and it even detects operators who are behind a wall or a shelf. The PAS is very useful in helping reduce the collisions and accidents between forklift drivers and operators.

  • Traffic Control System. This is a safety system designed to separate pedestrians from vehicles. It is a comprehensive traffic control system, which doesn’t depend on batteries and mobile devices. It works completely passively – that is, it does not require human guidance. It is a durable and very easy to install safety system.

  • Pedestrian Cross Safety. A safety solution designed specifically to minimise the risk of pedestrian being run over by a forklift in a crossing. Pedestrians wear tags that emit light signals when detected by an activator. A traffic light immediately warns the driver of the presence of the pedestrian. A very useful tool that makes forklift drivers’ job easier and safer!

2) Systems designed to control a forklift’s operation:

  • Narrow Aisle Safety. If there’s a recurrence of accidents in narrow corridors, the NAS Solution will minimise the collision risks between forklifts in narrow space areas. This system warns forklift drivers, by means of a traffic light, when there is another forklift in an area with little room for manoeuvre. It is the perfect companion for forklift drivers.

  • CAS-G2 System. The CAS-G2 forklift anti-collision system is also an extremely helpful tool in spaces where there’s a lot of forklift traffic. It consists of a cutting-edge device used to reduce accidents caused by collisions of cargo vehicles. As a support system for drivers it provides more information about the space they circulate on, and it allows the person in charge of the vehicle to know where other forklifts are located. It is a highly advanced system that integrates seamlessly into cargo vehicles.

  • Low Speed Area Solution. If the problems are caused by the speed of the forklifts, the LSA Solution will improve safety in the warehouse by limiting the circulation speed. It is an electronic system specially designed to complement the safety tools of cargo vehicles and to reduce its speed in areas where there are operators on foot or other pedestrians. It is an extremely helpful tool in the prevention of accidents .

Do you have any queries about the industrial safety systems described in this article?

Would you like to have one of our consultants explain any of them in more detail?

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us, we’ll be delighted to help you!

The LOGISTIC summit & expo 2020 fair, the Latin America’s main trade fair in Intralogistics and Supply Chain, will be celebrated from 18 to 19 March.

DRILL Company, Claitec’s importer in Mexico, will exhibit at stand 1812, exhibited its PAS (People detector) product ranges and latest developments.

We will be delighted to see you at LOGISTIC summit & expo 2020.

Claitec’s goal – as you’re probably aware of – is to develop a wide range of solutions for the many challenges presented daily in our workspaces. Among the different work areas we cover, the coexistence of forklifts and persons in these highly intense spaces is one of the most complex to deal with. And that’s why, in this post we’d like to discuss three solutions that can generate a very positive impact on the flow of traffic in our industries by improving work safety and reducing the number of accidents.

  1. The PCS System for safety at crosswalks.
    This solution warns drivers – through the use of traffic lights – about the presence of pedestrians at the crossing. All pedestrians need to do is wear tags that emit light signals when detected. When this occurs, the traffic light will indicate the presence of pedestrians. In addition to its great safety contributions, the PCS System is very easy to install and highly durable and robust. Without a doubt, a great option for any industry.

  2. The NAS System, for safety in narrow aisles.
    This solution cautions drivers – through the use of traffic lights – of the proximity of another forklift, thus minimising the risks of collision between cargo vehicles. The forklifts incorporate coded reflective strips which, when detected by the sensors, activate the traffic lights. This is undoubtedly a great tool, as it not only improves safety and reduces accidents, but it also helps increase productivity and reduce delays in loading and unloading spaces.

  3. LSA System for low speed areas.
    This solution is designed to regulate the speed at which forklifts circulate in certain areas – particularly in highly dangerous areas. When the forklift enters the area marked as a low speed zone it automatically adapts to the established limits. This solution is a perfect complement to any other forklift safety systems, and it makes a great contribution in improving safety in those spaces where loading machinery and operators coexist. A great addition to any company considering improving their safety and order in their forklift transit areas.

Do you have any questions about any of these systems? About any of our products? Do you need advice? Please, don’t hesitate to contact us, we are here to help!   

In the last few days, several news items reported the boom currently being experienced by the logistics sector, with investments exceeding 2,400 million euros.

In this post, we would like to expand on the nature of this golden moment and emphasise the need for it to be accompanied by a proper development of safety systems for workspaces to prevent accidents.

According to an article written by the Spanish newspaper ABC, the investment in logistics’ real estate in the last year skyrocketed to 2,400 million euros –  a growth of 20% between March 2018 and March 2019 – exceeding the seven million square meters contracted throughout Spain (data from a report by Solvia).

What’s currently happening is that both large areas on the outskirts of major cities, as well as small spaces in urban centres have now become of special interest to investors. Electronic commerce is given special protagonism in this report highlighting the key role it’s playing in the growth of logistics warehousing in Spain.

Given this accelerated growth and the appearance of new logistics and industrial spaces, it is essential to remember the importance of having the appropriate occupational safety and accident prevention systems in place.

If the need to ensure safe workspaces is taken into account from the initial design and assembly stages, our workplaces will be much safer and more efficient. This will allow us to implement all the recommendations that give priority to the provision of safety and occupational health measures.

Our website is a great source of information about all Claitec’s products designed with this aim in mind.
The following systems are a great starting point:

The Pedestrian Crossing Safety system (PCS) minimises the risk of accidents caused by the interaction between forklifts and pedestrians. This solution warns the drivers – by means of traffic lights – that pedestrians are crossing a certain junction or area. Pedestrians carry tags that emit light signals when an activator detects them. Next, the traffic light indicates the presence of pedestrians.

We can also recommend implementing the Narrow Aisle Solution (NAS). When incorporated in the initial stages of a logistic warehouse, this system can provide safety in narrow corridors, and minimise risks and collisions between forklifts in areas where manoeuvring space is limited.

When installing this system, the forklifts incorporate reflective coded bands that activate the traffic lights placed in the corridors when detected by the sensors. From that moment, and while the forklift remains in the corridor, the traffic light will indicate its presence in the area to the rest of the vehicles or pedestrians approaching.

Finally, and among many other possible support systems to logistics areas, we’d like to mention the Blind Spot (BS) Solution. Designed for areas without visibility (with blind spots), the BS Solution minimises the risk of pedestrians being overrun by forklifts and collisions between forklifts in areas of limited visibility.

The traffic light in this system indicate who has the right of way – whether drivers or pedestrians. Both pedestrians and forklifts wear tags that emit light signals when an activator detects them. Subsequently, the traffic light indicates the preference of passage.

Can we help you resolve any doubts?

Please let us know if you have a specific query or whether you’d like more information about any of our solutions.

We’d be very glad to assist you!

Claitec’s work philosophy has a strong environmental component: we are convinced that companies are key players that must ensure our societies are more responsible with their environment. That’s why, our environmental quality and control systems are certified in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001: 2015 for the activities of design, development and commercialisation of safety systems for the protection of people.

In this context, today we’d like to discuss the analysis we conduct on the life cycle of each of our solutions with the goal of evaluating the different processes through which every product undergoes, as well as identifying points of improvement in its environmental management that helps us generate the least possible impact.

What is the analysis of the life cycle of a product?

It’s the detailed analysis of each of the phases undergone by any of our solutions with the aim of detecting its environmental impact. These are the phases analysed in a standard product:

  • Composition (chemical products and raw materials)
  • Manufacturing process (chemical products and process)
  • Distribution
  • Use of the product
  • End of life

In the first step – the composition – we analyse which raw materials and chemical products are used for the elaboration of the solution, observing, for instance, if they are recyclable and whether we are looking at new, recycled or non-recycled raw materials. We also determine if any of the elements can be adjusted or replaced by choosing a more ecological option, or if there are products that can be used in smaller quantities – among several other variables.

During the manufacturing process we study, on the on the one hand, whether the product is certified or not, and on the other, whether its environmental impact is evaluated. Sometimes improvements can be implemented, while in other cases, for example, in outsourced manufacturing situations, it is more complex to implement any changes.

Next, we look at distribution. In this step Claitec always determines the type of packaging of the product, the material used and how much of it is necessary. In addition, attention is paid to the means of transport used, and conditions and/or recommendations are made to ensure this stage is as efficient and as respectful towards the environment as possible.

After that phase, we analyse the future use of the product. In a way, Claitec has certain influence at this stage, since we can control the possible impact when designing the solutions, but not so much in the way our clients make use of them. Beyond that, our analysis also seeks to address how our products are used, what type of energies our customers are provided with and the level of environmental care taken in order to advise and accompany them on a path towards a more responsible use.

Finally, we reach the stage known as “end of life” of the product. This has to do with the management of the tools once they are considered waste. In this sense, Claitec complies with all current regulations related to waste management of electrical and electronic equipment, and the company is also a member of the ECO-WEEE GIS, which facilitates WEEE waste collection points and controls its management.

If you want to find out more about our product life cycle, or for specific questions about  this topic or if you want to have further information about our solutions, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we are here to help!

At Claitec we work permanently to provide our customers with modern, efficient and practical systems. We listen and try to understand your needs and from there we generate improvements and provide solutions for you. That’s why in this article we want to discuss the advantages offered by the VAS System – one of our latest developments – compared to some traditional safety alert systems used in workspaces.

For starters, the VAS solution (Visualisation of Safety Alerts) consists of a new development that warns pedestrians and/or forklifts in risk situations, by projecting signals on the ground.

And these are the four reasons why this option stands out over other less innovative solutions in the market:

1) Easy to install and high durability

The VAS system stands out for being extremely easy to install. Implementing this solution only involves placing the projector where we want to locate the warning signals. And that’s it! In addition, this tool differs from other more traditional options because of its extreme durability. The VAS system does not suffer the great wear and tear that other options such as self-adhesive signs placed on the floor, traditional signage or even panoramic mirrors do.

2) High visibility

Our clients’ experience shows that the signals projected by the VAS system are very visible to operators and easily detected in workspaces. They stand out against panoramic mirrors and posters that are traditionally used in industries. These mirrors are often placed too high to be seen or they end up becoming part of the general landscape in the worksite and people stop using them.

3) Customisable

In a way, the VAS system is a suit tailored to the needs of each client. The system is placed in the required place, and then it is a matter of only configuring the desired signal. Unlike a sign or an ad painted on the floor, which logically has only one use, this system is versatile and can be adapted and used in different situations and for various options. Some examples of what can be projected are: a forklift, a pedestrian, a STOP warning sign, a crosswalk, speed limits, a “no smoking” sign or prohibited the use of mobile phones, among many other examples.

4) Easily combined with other tools

The VAS system can also easily work with other safety systems in the industry. One of the clearest cases is the possibility it offers of interacting with the PAS System, which warns drivers when it detects a person at distances of 1 to 6.5 meters. The two tools complement each other, generating an intelligent circuit of care and support for operator safety. Toyota, for instance, has integrated the PAS and VAS systems to solve a need for OEZ Letohrad, a company which produces automatic compact switches for customers around the world.

Do you have any questions about this system?

Any other queries?

Do you need our advice?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us, we are here to help.

Tags are increasingly being used to improve occupational safety and to prevent accidents at work. In this post, we´ll be discussing the possibilities offered by two of the tags Claitec offers its clients which, are already giving great results in different industries.

  1. The T-10R tag is a long-lasting active RFID device that can be placed on any person, equipment or active element in our industries to be accurately detected by the AC-50 Activator. This tag stands out for its robust design and overall resistance, which makes it very tolerant to all the hustle and bustle of our daily tasks. Its battery can be recharged wirelessly, adding additional comfort and safety for the operator and ensuring the tag always has enough energy.

  2. The T-10 R Badge Tag is an adaptation of the T-10R which functions also as a card holder. This allows us to solve a problem reported on multiple occasions by our clients: forgetting, loosing or other human errors which tend to be the causes of so many accidents. With this tag, the operator only carries one object, but contemplates two key elements: the safety tag and the personal identification card.

    The T-10R Badge is a long-lasting active RFID device that combines dual passive and active RFID technology, and allows our customers to maintain the functionality of existing access control, adding PAS (pedestrian alert) safety.

In addition, the mobile inhibitor T-10, a device that is placed at the front of the driver´s protection keychain.

This allows the operator to drive the truck safely, keeping the Pedestrian Detection system activated preventing accidents with other forklifts circulating in the work area or nearby boundaries.

Using the mobile inhibitor, the worker can abandon the forklift and perform other operations with the certainty that s/he will be protected the moment s/he steps out of the vehicle, thus achieving a perfect mixture of safety and practicality.

Are you keen to learn more about the systems mentioned above?

Do you have any specific inquiries?

Do you want to receive more information about any of our solutions?

Do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help!

As you´re probably aware of, in this space we like to address all aspects pertaining to the improvement of occupational safety and the prevention of accidents at work. Today, to our occupational health concerns, we´d like to add our concern for and commitment to our precious environment.

So here are some recommendations to help us achieve a greener industry.

1) Responsible energy consumption

Let us first put a focus on energy saving and responsible energy consumption. What we´re proposing here are not only concrete and “physical” measures, but also “cultural” measures. All industries can seek energy savings through the incorporation of lighting or air conditioning equipment with low consumption and low or no environmental impact. For example, led lights can be extremely helpful, as are solar panels or wind energy equipment – all of them can lit up spaces as well as heat water and work areas. But, beyond these structural transformations, we must ensure that our entire work team is aligned with the subject, that it acquires energy consumption habits and it takes simple steps like turning off the lights when leaving a room or turning off and unpluging the equipment when no longer in use.

2) Recycling policies

To improve environmental responsibilities in our industries, it is essential to incorporate recycling rules to our day to day tasks. Waste is generated in all work areas and as such we should develop policies that help us manage it, seeking to reuse or recycle as doing so will help us minimise our environmental impact. For large industries this is a key part of their daily tasks, and they can teach many other medium and small businesses how to act in this regard.

3) Efficiency and impact reduction

It is also important to talk about the efficient use of resources in our industries, and aim to reduce our environmental impact. For example, we can work hard on using paper efficiently, a resource that is often used in an excessive or an unconscious way, and which we could easily try to consume to a much lesser extent. We can use less paper – giving priority to digital systems -, use recycled paper or even reuse paper sheets, thereby making a more efficient use of this precious resource. Setting up recycling stations is also very useful as operators can leave their waste knowing that most of it will be recycled or reused. For example, any business could easily install recycling stations for plastic bottles, used notebooks or batteries. We can also follow the example of many companies that are promoting a more conscious use of transport systems, encouraging buses that transport several operators in a single trip and shared trips between operators on the way to work – with shift systems according to the day of the week – or also the use of bicycles or other options that do not emit polluting gases.

As you can see, there´s a lot that can be done in our industries and work spaces to help us promote more responsible environmental policies. One thing is certain – all that effort will result in a clear improvement that we and future generations will be able to enjoy. And we need to start as soon as possible!

If you´d like to learn more about our solutions, for specific inquiries or to have more information about any of our tools, do not hesitate to contact us! We are here to help!

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