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T-10R People detector device

T-10R Personal Tag

Powerful Lights

The light generated features a
360° angle which can be perceived
from anywhere in the environment
in which it is located.

T-10r alta iluminacion


The vibration system that provides
in the presence of a nearby vehicle
and other potential risks.

T-10r alarma vibracion


The tag also generates a high
intensity sound warning, offering a
wide range of warning possibilities.

T-10R Buzzer alarm

Wireless charging

The T-10R’s battery can be
recharged wirelessly, adding even
more comfort – and safety.

T-10R wireless charging

Panic button

An alarm button for use in an
emergency, as to summon help.

T-10R Panic button


The T-10R features an IP rating of
67, that means you can bring it with
you at work in any environments.

T-10R Waterproof

At Claitec we are convinced that in order to provide an excellent service that truly matches our customers’ needs, it’s imperative for us to constantly update ourselves as well as maintaining a proactive and innovative attitude.

One of our latest developments – the T-10R tag – is the result of this philosophy.

A cutting-edge tag that adds new qualities to the existing T-10, the new T-10R is a long-lasting active RFID device that can be placed in any person, equipment or active element in our industries and workspaces to be accurately detected by the AC-50 Activator and considerably improving accident prevention rates at work.

The T-10R features many outstanding qualities including its robust design and overall resistance, making it the perfect companion at the many demanding workplaces and activities in our industries and without running the risk of breaking down or generating faults.

In addition, the T-10R’s battery can be recharged wirelessly, adding even more comfort – and safety – for the operator by ensuring that the tag always has enough power.

The T-10R can be charged wirelessly using 2 types of chargers: a unitary wireless charger via USB and a charging station which can load up to 12 tags at a time.

And if that wasn’t enough, this new device comes with a high intensity LED lighting, which provides quick detection and ensures the visibility of the person or the asset carried by the tag. The light generated features a 360° angle which can be perceived from anywhere in the environment in which it is located. In addition, you can know your battery status at any time by means of the status LED.

The T-10R tag is an easy to carry small device with an added vibration system that provides extra warning signals to operators in the presence of a nearby vehicle and other potential risks. The tag also generates a high intensity sound warning, offering a wide range of warning possibilities.

Not to mention that the duration of this battery can go on for over a month! Of course, always depending on its usage levels and other related factors.

Keen to find out more about this new system or about any of the other products we offer at Claitec?

Don’t hesitate to contact us!

We are here to help!

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We all know that the pace of work in the industry tolerates – less and less – any type of unexpected events, miscalculations or functioning problem of our main tools. It follows that every day is increasingly more important to be able to anticipate possible errors and prevent and act responsibly to cover all flanks.

That’s why in today’s post we’d like to introduce the TAG Low Battery Simulator (T-10sb), a highly effective tool for our daily operations.


As you know, the PAS System includes an element referred to as the AV-50 – the antenna responsible for the verification of the tags. This element also serves to corroborate if a T-10 tag is working correctly or if the battery is running on low and about to run out.

Of course, the AV-50 is an extremely useful device – to the point that it is currently placed in most PAS system installations. But when it comes down to business, we must also ask ourselves:


How can we put that verification antenna to the test?


And this is where the Low Battery Simulator appears. We can describe the simulator as a somewhat special T-10 Tag or a device with two pushbuttons – one that indicates if the battery level is correct and another that tells us if the battery level is running low.


The T-10sb is extremely useful when we first install the AV-50 verification antenna. In addition, some of our clients have requested this device because they also want to verify that the system works correctly from time to time – for instance, when they conduct annual or semi-annual reviews.

The Battery Simulator is also useful when testing registration software. In this case, the T-10sb’s unique identifier appears in the software every time the test is conducted, indicating whether the battery is at a correct level or whether it’s running on low.

In today’s blog post we’d like to introduce a new device developed by Claitec to offer Smart safety solutions to industrial workers, always taking into account the ins and outs of their daily work dynamics.

The T-10 Mobile Inhibitor is a device carefully placed at the back of the protection key (T-10) carried by forklift drivers, to prevent its detection. This allows the operator to drive the forklift safely while keeping the Pedestrian Detection System active in order to avoid accidents with pedestrians circulating in the work area and nearby spaces.

In addition, when using the mobile inhibitor, the driver can leave the truck and perform picking or merchandise control operations, being sure that his Pedestrian Alert system tag is protecting him from the moment he steps out of the forklift.

A perfect blend of safety and practicality

The driver inhibitor guarantees the correct functioning of the anti-collision system, as it allows drivers to operate forklifts without interrupting the PAS solution. However, it’s important to leave “free access” so that the anti-collision system works without any problems.

We should emphasize that Claitec has developed the new T-10 mobile inhibitor based on the experience of our customers and users, and we’ve refined it with some of the strong elements we’ve been observing and detecting in everyday industrial operations.

One of the most frequently reported situations was that drivers were getting off the forklifts and leaving the T10 tag inside the inhibitor. Often, they also leave the truck without the safety tag. This prevented them to receive the appropriate warnings from the detection system thus leaving them vulnerable to accidents.

With this new development, the mobile inhibitor is placed on the back of the driver’s T-10 protection key with a connection installed inside the truck. This way the protection keyring is not detected, and the pedestrian detection system activated allows drivers to circulate safely. Likewise, when the operator leaves the forklift, the inhibitor is automatically released and the person is again detectable by the PAS system.

Como vimos en el primer post del caso de éxito de GSK, la empresa priorizó el cuidado y bienestar de sus empleados, instalando un Sistema de Control de Tráfico (TCS) en la zona de producción de su planta. Luego de comprobar el éxito de la solución en la primera fase, la compañía dio un paso más en materia de seguridad industrial, ampliando el Sistema de Control de Tráfico de Claitec, pero esta vez en su zona de almacén.

La finalidad de esta solución es una adecuada segregación entre peatones y carretillas, asegurando un trabajo tranquilo para ambos operarios. Al igual que muchas de las soluciones de Claitec, es pasiva, es decir, no requiere de la atención u operación de un trabajador. Funciona mediante la colocación de un dispositivo TZ2-Tag en el almacén, que detecta la presencia de carretillas a su vez equipadas con otro activador. También incluye semáforos, señalización, portillos de seguridad y barandillas para segregar peatones.

Durante la primera fase, en la implementación de TCS en la zona de producción, se daba la particularidad de que los pasillos eran muy estrechos, los que dificultaba una adecuada separación entre el paso de peatones y de las carretillas elevadoras. Sin embargo, en esta segunda fase ocurre que en el almacén hay un mayor número de carretillas, sumado al hecho de que hay más espacio libre, por lo que éstas transitan a mayor velocidad. Si además sumamos el hecho de que hay pocos peatones, y que los operadores de las carretillas trabajan con un menor grado de alerta, estamos hablando de un lugar con mayor riesgo de accidentes.

El objetivo de la fase era segregar adecuadamente el tráfico de peatones y de carretillas. Para esto se requería una combinación entre tecnología para un adecuada señalización y detectores, así como puertas que garantizaran la seguridad de los operarios, al impedir su paso a zonas en estado de riesgo. Fue así que se instaló la solución TCS, que permitió cumplir con éxito los objetivos de esta fase dos, permitiendo un trabajo más eficiente y seguro para los operarios del almacén de GSK.

Como se observa en el video, la solución incluye detectores que identifican la presencia de una carretilla en la zona. Los dispositivos de señalización –dos semáforos- alertan a cualquier peatón de la presencia cercana de una carretilla.  Pero la gran novedad de la solución radica en las puertas: éstas se cierran automáticamente ante la presencia de la carretilla, evitando que cualquier operario a pie entre en la zona. Cuando la zona está libre de carretillas, éstas se abren nuevamente, permitiendo el normal paso de cualquier peatón con o sin carros.

Las puertas, además, cuentan con la ventaja de funcionar en base a un sistema de apertura y cierre motorizado, siendo de gran utilidad para operarios con sus manos ocupadas, ya sea conduciendo una carretilla, o transportando un carro caminando. Además la obvia seguridad que brinda a los peatones, ayuda a los conductores de carretillas a trabajar con mayor tranquilidad y eficiencia, con la seguridad de que no va a haber peatones en sus zonas de tránsito. Incluso puede “olvidar” la preocupación en cruces de poca visibilidad.

También se puede observar que los semáforos señalizan en verde o en rojo de acuerdo a la situación, brindando seguridad extra a todos los implicados.

GSK así dio un nuevo paso hacia brindar la mayor seguridad a sus operarios. Luego de las dos primeras fases, en las que la empresa aseguró la planta de producción y el almacén, GSK se plantea implementar una tercera etapa, instalando la solución en su planta de medicamentos. Así completaría el equipamiento de su planta de Aranda de Duero con el sistema de alerta de peatones y control de tráfico de Claitec.

*GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) es una compañía líder mundial en investigación farmacéutica y en el cuidado de la salud. La empresa defina cuya misión es conseguir que las personas puedan hacer más, sentirse mejor y vivir más tiempo.

*Case Study: GSK

*Case Studies analyse the implementation of Claitec’s solutions in a specific client.

GSK defines itself as a multinational operating in the pharmaceutical sector, with a particular focus towards the sciences. Its main activity centres around research and development of a wide range of innovative products in three main areas: Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines and Consumer Healthcare.

The number of activities carried out by the company is staggering: GSH is commercially active in over 150 countries around the world, with a network of 84 production plants in 36 countries, and large R & D departments in the UK, Spain, United States, Belgium and China.

Identifying a problem

GSK had shared some of their concerns with us, specifically in warehouse safety: there were problems segregating pedestrians and forklifts in the production area, the distance to carry out both types of maneuvers was minimal, and they were worried about the potential for negligence or human errors at the different intersections.

We had always identified a risk in the coexistence of people and forklifts in the factory” explains Marta Leal Ramirez, Director of Prevention Services and the Environment.

However, Pablo Santamaria Lacuesta, Project Engineer at GSK, commented that finding an integral solution to their problems was difficult: “When it was time to face this project, we looked for the different business solutions available to us but none satisfied us fully as they failed to meet all the requirements we wanted“.

It was at this point that the engineering department at GSK contacted Claitec’s Engineering Department, and together they solved the problems at hand. In Santamaria’s own words, “we set up a personalized, customized system to address all deficiencies“.

The solution: Traffic Control System

The system Santamaria refers to is, Traffic Control – a comprehensive traffic control system, which is not dependent on batteries and mobile devices, and operates in a totally passive form, that is, it does not require human attention. The system provided a number of solutions to GSK’s main points of concern:

  • The physical segregation of pedestrians and forklifts,
  • Blocking the manoeuvre of the different gates which, prevent pedestrians from crossing,
  • Warning systems for forklift drivers to prevent blind spots.

Marta Leal commented that this solution allowed them to “break down barriers” in relation to other solutions on the market, and it has delivered “an independent passive protection system, completely independent from performance of both the pedestrian and the forklift operator“.

Looking ahead to fulfill their mission

The protection of people at GSK is an integral part of the company’s philosophy beyond its business line. As Marta says, ” GSK’s mission is to protect people, both our patients, as well as the persons working in our company. Within this framework, our main goal is to achieve and maintain zero accidents in a sustainable fashion“.

In line with this mission, Santamaria said that the company remains committed to further improve safety in all its different spaces: “Having implemented the first phase in the production side of the business, we will face new challenges and will proceed to install Traffic Control in the warehouse, because the high density of forklifts and pedestrian traffic is a major challenge for us”.

We are pleased to continue adding names to the list of companies who rely on our solutions.

In this case, Grupo Promsa has trusted us with its recycling plant situated in the Manresa-based premises of the renowned tire manufacture, Pirelli. In this location, Claitec installed the Hazardous Areas Solution, designed to detect an employee’s fall in a machine zone.

This particular project required us to stretch our innovation capabilities to the limit, and the result is a completely new system that combines the Hazardous Areas System and the Fall Protection System. The new system prevents falls when working in hazardous areas, but it is also responsible for stopping the machine’s operation after the fall of the worker, to avoid even greater risks.

Currently, there are several retractable safety systems for workers in the market but Claitec’s Fall Arrest Device is the first system that alerts and fully stops the machine.

To learn more about this and other solutions, we invite you to visit our product page.

Being in permanent contact with our customers, occasionally some questions arise about Claitec products.

The concern of this particular client focused on mounting the battery of T-10 Tag. To help you understand how the battery is mounted, we decided to make this video tutorial to resolve this doubt.

To achieve the best possible quality in products and processes, it is necessary to create a culture of responsibility, discipline and efficiency. In Claitec we want to see this culture reflected in each of our team members, as well as in the manufacturing processes of our products.

The following video illustrates the manufacturing process of the PAS’ electronic system. Given that some customers had expressed curiosity about it, we wanted to share a process we are very proud of with them.

The manufacturing takes place in last generation assembly machinery with automatic inspection, in an environment where components are carefully arranged and cared for.

Our supplier is a leader in the industry, working as TIER 1 for leaders in the automotive industry as the European company Seat. It also complies with all the International Quality Standards ISO9001, ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001 Environmental Management.

The LSA equipment allow to limit the forklift speed circulating in different áreas of the warehouse.

It is specially designed to reduce the speed of the forklift in areas where pedestrians or people working.

The truck equipped with LSA automatically detects where you are and activates a signal speed limit forklift.

Uses a panel of coded reflective strips located on the roof of the doors or the changing speed zones.
When the forklift passes under the panel, the sensors detect the zone change and activate the relay corresponding of the area.

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