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Have you ever calculated how much do you use trucks and forklifts in your warehouse? Or how many trucks enter your premises in a month? How many hours of loading and unloading do you do over a semester or a year?

Regardless of the type of industry we work in, the answers to these questions ought to be mind-blowing! And given the high frequency of use of these essential transport tools we must strive to provide the highest safety guarantees for our employees.


That’s precisely why today we’d like to talk about the TDS Solution (Truck Docking System) – a true ally in our daily work, a co-pilot for drivers who spend many hours loading and unloading in the docking areas of our warehouses.

This system is designed to contemplate the dynamics of work in different tasks and minimise the risk of vehicles running over any pedestrian. It aims to create a safer, more modern and much more efficient industry, taking advantage of the many benefits delivered by technology.


This solution, which has been successfully used and is widely accepted by our clients, comprises detection sensors, a control unit and traffic lights. These are extremely resistant, very easy to install devices – the traffic light in this system warns the driver of the vehicle about the presence of operators in the loading dock.

The detection sensors are installed at the dock and are responsible for detecting whether there are any pedestrians, giving the signal to the traffic light and alerting the driver. With that reference, he or she can approach the loading dock without being a source of danger for the person there. All of this allows us to carry out more secure manoeuvres and to have more protected operators.


This system can be perfectly complemented with other Claitec’s solutions already discussed in this blog such as the LSA Assistant (to slow down while in the docks) or the NAS Solution, which is used to avoid accidents between forklifts in tight spaces.


Any questions about the TDS solution or any of Claitec’s systems?


Please, don’t hesitate to contact us here.


In our previous post we talked about the NAS Solution – an extremely useful tool that helps “amplify” the spaces in the areas where forklifts are manoeuvring and cargo is being handled. Continuing along those lines, today we’d like to introduce another of our developments also designed to improve circulation in industrial areas, and particularly to help prevent accidents involving operators and vehicles for industrial use. We are talking about the BS Solution for blind spots.


The Blind Spot (BS) System consists of a solution that uses previously installed traffic lights to indicate who has preference in industrial intersections – whether the drivers or the workers on foot.


The BS System is very easy to install, and it only requires a RFID trigger, traffic lights, a personal key ring for operators and tags for the forklifts. Pedestrians can carry the tags easily in their key rings or with their ID cards, for example, and so can the forklifts. The tags then emit light signals when an activator detects them and the traffic light later indicates who was the right to circulate.

This is a particularly helpful solution in loading and unloading areas; when manoeuvring in areas with low visibility; in areas where pedestrians and forklifts intersect; and in spaces with a lot of traffic and forklift movement.


Experience has shown that once the BS Solution is installed, the risks of being run over by forklifts and pedestrians are minimised, as are collisions between forklifts in areas of limited visibility. In addition, the equipment is characterised by the durability and robustness of its devices that easily withstand their intensive daily usage.


For more information about this solution or to learn more about our products, please don’t hesitate to contact us at this address: https://claitec.com/en/contact/

SOLUTRANS, the urban and road transport solutions show, was celebrated from 21 to 25 November, at Lyon Eurexpo.


Six themes were revealing major market trends featured in the 2017 edition of SOLUTRANS: the factory of the future, new motorisation and energy, connected roads and vehicles, deliveries in city centres, training and cybersecurity.

Our importer OPSYSELEC presence at the fair represented an excellent opportunity to promote the CLAITEC PAS (People detector) on the French market.


Claitec is delighted with the reception our stand had amongst visitors.


Storage spaces, industrial areas or truck loading and unloading areas are just some of the work sites where there never seem to be enough square meters to work on. From the forklifts, to the operators and the merchandise itself … all these elements create overloaded, narrow spaces where both control and prevention become key to averting accidents.


To help you tackle this kind of difficulties in your workspaces, we’d like to tell you today about the benefits of the NAS Solution for safety in narrow aisle – a highly sought-after product amongst our clients who always comment on its great performance.

The NAS solution warns forklift drivers – by means of a traffic light – when another forklift is already located in a zone considered to be of limited space. This development is especially useful in areas where forklifts commonly cross or manoeuvre and spaces with high intensity traffic of industrial vehicles, especially for retractable and trilateral forklifts.


The forklifts incorporate reflective coded bands that when detected by the detection sensors activate the traffic lights installed in the aisle. From that moment, and while the truck remains in the aisle, the traffic light will indicate its presence in the area to the rest of the vehicles or pedestrians that approach that place, avoiding collisions or risk situations in spaces where manoeuvres of any kind are significantly reduced.

The NAS solution stands out for its easy implementation: it only requires coded reflective strips for the forklifts, a code detection sensor, the control unit and a traffic light. In addition, the elements in this system stand out for their durability and robustness.


We invite you to find out more about the NAS system here.


Any questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact us here.



We all know that the pace of work in the industry tolerates – less and less – any type of unexpected events, miscalculations or functioning problem of our main tools. It follows that every day is increasingly more important to be able to anticipate possible errors and prevent and act responsibly to cover all flanks.

That’s why in today’s post we’d like to introduce the TAG Low Battery Simulator (T-10sb), a highly effective tool for our daily operations.


As you know, the PAS System includes an element referred to as the AV-50 – the antenna responsible for the verification of the tags. This element also serves to corroborate if a T-10 tag is working correctly or if the battery is running on low and about to run out.

Of course, the AV-50 is an extremely useful device – to the point that it is currently placed in most PAS system installations. But when it comes down to business, we must also ask ourselves:


How can we put that verification antenna to the test?


And this is where the Low Battery Simulator appears. We can describe the simulator as a somewhat special T-10 Tag or a device with two pushbuttons – one that indicates if the battery level is correct and another that tells us if the battery level is running low.


The T-10sb is extremely useful when we first install the AV-50 verification antenna. In addition, some of our clients have requested this device because they also want to verify that the system works correctly from time to time – for instance, when they conduct annual or semi-annual reviews.

The Battery Simulator is also useful when testing registration software. In this case, the T-10sb’s unique identifier appears in the software every time the test is conducted, indicating whether the battery is at a correct level or whether it’s running on low.


More than 430 companies exhibited in the Logistics & Distribution fair on November 7 and 8.

The event included 8 conference rooms and more than 120 speakers to discuss the main innovations and trends in the sector for the coming years, among which the development of the digitized industry (Industry 4.0) and a circular consumption production model stand out that reduce costs and residues.


Our partner Faw Logistics presence at the fair represented an excellent opportunity to promote the CLAITEC PAS (People detector) on the Spanish market.


Claitec is delighted with the reception our stand had amongst visitors.


When it comes to loading or unloading a truck and receiving or dispatching merchandise, every single minute counts! There’s no time to waste! However, we should never lose sight of a very important fact – working in a hurry to get things done shouldn’t risk employees’ safety or provoke potential accidents.


That’s why today we want to talk about a new concept that has been generating very good results in this area.


Let us envision a logistic warehouse like so many others where trucks are parked outside for loading and forklifts circulate inside loading and unloading the merchandise. In this situation we can frequently observe that as the load is being handled, forklifts tend to enter or exit the trucks at high speeds, generating several potentially risky situations.

First, there is a danger of suffering an accident. Forklifts generally need a ramp to reach the interior of a truck. If they speed up on their way up, they can hit an obstacle or rollover, among many other potentially hazardous situations.


Then, we also need to take into account the gradual physical damages caused to the forklift operator. Every time the forklift goes over a ramp connecting the warehouse to the truck, the vehicle can shake with greater or lesser intensity, generating a blow on the back of that operator, which, after hours and days, can result in significant injury.

For all these reasons, we’d like to introduce you to the benefits of the LSA (Low Speed Area).


The LSA is a system that will allow you to regulate the speed with which forklifts circulate on the loading and unloading areas, preventing and minimizing risks and injuries for your employees.

The LSA solves the aforementioned problems and tackles several potential risks. The device is easily installed in the trucks and reflector strips are placed on the roof of the warehouse delimiting the slow speed zones and the fast speed zones. When the forklift drives through these limits, the system automatically detects at what speed it should be circulating and changes the pace of the vehicle.

Similarly, in the loading and unloading areas, the LSA limits the speed of the forklift and forces the driver to drive at a safer pace. The system allows to easily switch from an unlimited speed mode to a controlled speed mode, making it extremely easy to be used in all sorts of daily tasks.

Find out how the LSA works in this video.


Additionally, at Claitec we have also developed other products to work against the various risk factors that occur in the loading docks. We invite you to visit our website and find out further details: claitec.com


Around 7.500 people visited the Transport & Logistics Antwerp fair on October 17, 18 and 19.


Esquenet’s presence at the fair represented an excellent opportunity to promote the CLAITEC brand and products on the Belgium market.

Esquenet, Claitec’s importer in Belgium, exhibited its PAS (Pedestrian Alert System) and LSA (Speed Zoning) products ranges and latest developments.


Claitec is delighted with the reception our stand had amongst visitors.


Regardless of how busy our lives get, it’s always important to take a few minutes to find out what trends are currently being hinted in our industries and to discover some of the innovative and beneficial practices that some of our colleagues are already putting into practice.

That’s why today we’d like to discuss the impressive progress currently being made in some of the most important industries in the world regarding the traffic of vehicles within facilities and some of the latest proposals that have been put forward in this regard.


First, let’s talk about some of the companies that are expecting both their workers and visitors to park the vehicles with their “back to the curb”.




Because in case of emergency the vehicle is ready to leave quickly, and no manoeuvre is necessary.


We can also mention another recommended practice applied by companies with vehicle circulation routes within their industrial or manufacturing premises – the installation of a portable warning light on the vehicles that enter the facilities so that these can easily warn both pedestrians and forklift operators circulating around the place.


At the same time, we are seeing with increased frequency how some large companies are placing speed cameras and video cameras inside their own facilities. This is being developed precisely with the objective of ensuring that both workers and visitors in their facilities respect the speed and the driving guidelines that are indicated.

Similarly, some industries are currently providing parking for their workers and/or visitors outside their industrial premises – just before entering the site- and then transporting people in specially prepared company vehicles with trained drivers. In addition, those who visit the place for the first time are obliged to undergo – if necessary – a minimum training on the precautions to be taken when circulation around the facility.


Claitec has developed a range of products that complement these tendencies to prevent accidents between vehicles and pedestrians, such as our Pedestrian Warning System (PAS) or the Pedestrian Cross Safety Solution (PCS), among others.

You can find out more about all of them here.


Our daily work in the industry requires us to work seriously and professionally in the field of occupational safety. We must be attentive to all aspects of our work and continually add to our efforts to avoid accidents and provide better conditions to everyone operating in the area.

However, we can and should rely on the latest developments brought about by today’s technological advancements. Thanks to the work of all our specialists we are also able to reduce risks and implement new prevention tools closer to those who coexist each day with the intense operation of industries of the most diverse types.


Claitec has also developed a new product that responds to the requests we have received on more than one occasion from our customers. It’s a system that gets activated when a forklift approaches a door, warning the driver about whether the door is closed or ajar, just in case the operator has not noticed it in a timely manner.


When a forklift approaches a door, either closed or ajar, a light and / or acoustic warning is sent to the driver, having previously installed a bidirectional Tz2 Tag on the door and the PAS solution on the forklift.

Thus, if the door is closed or ajar, the Tz2 Tag sends a signal through the PAS system to the approaching forklift. The PAS system immediately turns on the light beacon and / or the acoustic mode alarm warning the driver and alerting him or her to the situation. And, when the door is fully open, the  Tz2 tag stops sending the signal.


We felt the development of this product was necessary after some customers reported accidents at work caused by workers who had failed to notice some doors ajar or closed. It’s not uncommon for the worker to assume that some transit points had to be cleared, concentrating on the load being transported or paying attention to the dynamics of the environment, and ends up colliding with the industrial doors or gates. We are convinced Claitec’s new development puts an end to this type of accidents.

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