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As you know, our goal at Claitec is to develop solutions that adapt to the needs of our clients and that contribute to generating safer work spaces, preventing or reducing the chances of workplace accidents. This article introduces three of such practical and innovative solutions to improve safety at a critical point in any industrial space: pedestrian crossings.

The PSG Solution (Pedestrian Safety Gate) is a door designed to reduce risk situations in high-activity environments. This system has two key functions: to create safe pedestrian crossings and to restrict the entry of unduly protected personnel. It is designed to interact with the TCS Traffic Control System, automatically interacting with Claitec’s devices to block any pedestrian from crossing if a forklift is detected in the vicinity.

The VSG Solution (Virtual Safety Gate) consists of a virtual gate operated by photocells. It’s activated by movement and when circulation is prohibited in a certain sector or intersection, the VSG activates a warning system that projects a red line on the ground.

If the gate detects a forklift, the projection on the ground warns that crossing is not allowed. If the pedestrian chooses to cross anyway, a pilot light and an audible alarm alert him/her of the danger. The gate also sends a signal to the forklift warning the driver about the person in the danger area. If the person is in the danger zone as the gate goes into alarm mode, s/he can retreat to the safe zone and no alarm is triggered, as the system is capable of detecting whether s/he leaves the safe zone (thus activating the alarm) or leaving the safe zone (thus leaving the alarm deactivated).

And, finally, it’s important to highlight the PAS System’s (Pedestrian Alert System) contribution in preserving the integrity of operators at intersections in our workspaces. As mentioned in previous posts, the PAS System is a solution that has shown great efficiency in improving industrial safety in all kinds of areas. Its contribution is great as it warns forklift drivers when it detects a person at a distance adjustable from 1 to 11 meters. It is a unique system capable of differentiating between people and objects, and it even detects operators who are behind a wall or a shelf, thus, adding safety and preventing accidents at crosswalks.

Do you have any doubts about these devices? Is there anything we can assist you with? Please, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Loading docks are dynamic and strategic spaces with high levels of activity, which are prone to frequent accidents between forklifts, trucks and operators. Claitec has recently developed and updated a tool specifically to minimise risk situations in these spaces -the TDS Truck Docking System.

The TDS System minimises the occupational risks that occur in the loading docks, preventing, for example, a truck colliding with the entrance of the dock or leaving while the goods are being loaded.

It is a simple and easy-to-install solution which, once outside the dock, only requires an exterior traffic light, electronic wedge, distance-measuring radar, detection photocell and connection box. While in the docks, it involves a switch box with an RGB beacon on top, an open-door sensor, and an audible alarm.

An effective system for risky manoeuvres.

The TDS System is specially designed to help the driver safely and efficiently load or unload merchandises on the dock, taking into account that operators, forklifts and truck drivers may be involved during this process.

With the TDS System running, when the truck arrives at the dock the driver knows which entrance is available because the outside traffic light is green. At that moment, inside the dock the beacon will be red, indicating that the door should not be opened. The truck, from the outside, will reverse and, as it approaches the entrance, it will be detected by the distance measuring radar that will indicate with the traffic light outside if the truck is far away (green light), or if it is approaching (amber light).

In addition, this radar will be accompanied by photocells located at the entrance, which will indicate if the truck has reached the entrance, causing the exterior traffic light to signal it with a red light.

When the truck reaches the entrance, the traffic light will start flashing amber to alert the truck driver to put the wedge on the rear wheel of their vehicle. Once placed, it will activate a signal to the internal switch box to notify the operators that they can now open the door, and the beacon will turn green on the internal dock. While the operators begin to carry out their task in complete safety, the outside traffic light will turn red again.

Meanwhile, if for whatever reason the truck exceeds the wedge and leaves without completing the task, a very loud audible alarm will be activated to alert all operators in the area that there is danger, also changing the interior beacon of the dock to red colour.

In addition, the system also offers the possibility of detecting people between the distance measuring radar and the truck, adding more safety and control options to those who operate in loading docks.

Should you have any doubts and/or need our assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
We are here to help!

The UK’s leading Intralogistics exhibition IMHX 2022 took place in Birmingham this week. An event that we didn’t want to miss and where we had the opportunity to be alongside Troax, the top company in the area of industrial safety.

During the 7th and 8th of September we presented Claitec’s safety solutions and our newest products, detailing the advantages of their functionality to all the people we welcomed to the stand.

If you have any doubts or queries before, during or after the event, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we are always happy to help!

Forklifts play a key role in our industries. Ensuring their safe, effective and accident free functioning is a constant challenge. At Claitec we always seek to take a step forward with our solutions developing improvements that create safer and more efficient work spaces. In this article, we’d like to introduce you to three of the tools developed by the Claitec team to enhance the operation of forklifts within industrial spaces:

The Roof Radar safety system automatically reduces the speed of a vehicle as it enters a building. As soon as the radar detects a ceiling, it immediately selects the low speed on the forklift until it leaves that space again.

Thus, the forklift can return from performing tasks in an open space without pedestrians – such as a merchandise loading and unloading area -, and return to the warehouse or a work area with pedestrians, to have its speed automatically modified without requiring any action from the driver. This prevents the possible adverse effects of forgetfulness or distraction of the operator in relation to the speed of movement of the machine.

The active inhibitor, on the other hand, is an electronic device that is installed next to the forklift’s driver’s seat to inhibit his/her key rings when entering the vehicle. This way, the drivers’ key rings are not detected and for the rest of the systems operating it appears that only the forklift is circulating, thus preventing problems or crossed detections that reduce the effectiveness and pace of work.

In other words, the way this tool operates allows the driver to drive the forklift safely and keeping the Pedestrian Detection system activated, in order to prevent accidents with other people who circulate in the work area or adjoining spaces.

Finally, the  HLS High Load Sensor warns forklift drivers as soon as it detects that the loads picked up exceed the permitted heights or predefined measurements. Specifically, the driver of a forklift that incorporates the HLS system gets a luminous and sound alert when taking on a load that exceeds the limited allowed, thus preventing him/her from moving in a way that would be unsafe and could lead to an accident.

Do you have any doubts about these devices? Is there anything we can assist you with? Please, don’t hesitate to contact us!


Accidents are bound to happen – whether we invest all our efforts in education or whether we broadcast key safety and prevention regulations. However, we can take measures to cushion the impact that unforeseen events may have on us, on our work team or on our machinery. At Claitec we work towards this goal.

The Fall Protection System (FPS) is one of our most helpful developments in this aspect – a true ally when working in dangerous areas. This development consists of a retractile safety device anchored to a fixed element and connected to the worker’s safety harness. When a fall occurs the system is responsible for stopping the functioning of the machine and prevent any possible risks and greater damages.


The system is simple to install, and it consists of an anchorage point, an anti-fall mechanism, a retractable steel cable and a safety harness. When working in dangerous areas, the person must hook his or her harness to the retractable cable at the fixed mooring point so that if a fall occurs the anti-fall device will detect the situation and instantly send the signal to stop the plant’s machinery preventing the worker from falling towards other areas that might injure him or her further.

The shape and structure of the fixed mooring point should be sufficient to prevent the automatic disconnection and sliding of the device. The use of marked and certified fixed mooring points is recommended as stated by the European standard EN795.


Likewise, the pieces that make up the FPS system stand out for their durability and robustness, ensuring its correct operation in intensive work spaces and industrial zones that may require its permanent use. The system can be perfectly used in a wide range of hazardous areas of work such as in spaces with presses, shredders and compactors working actively – among many other possibilities.


The FPS is a great ally for our customers’ daily work and increasingly more companies are requesting the installation of this system in their work spaces. In addition, the FPS has been successfully complemented with the hazardous areas solution, of which we have spoken in previous posts. It’s important not to forget that, although today there are several retractable safety systems, the FPS system developed by Claitec is the first to warn and completely stop the machinery to protect the worker.


If you are keen to find out more about this system or would like further information about any of our products, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Ecodiseño antiatropello peatones


In other posts we’ve referenced Claitec’s commitment to innovation as one of the core values ​​that guide our daily work. Innovation helps us improve the service we offer our customers, however, we also feel that sometimes innovation must pay lip service to a common goal for all which, in this case, is our care for the environment.


Claitec has been committed for a long time to becoming an increasingly ecofriendly company. That’s why our goal is to advance in that direction and that’s why we attained the ISO 14001 environmental management systems certification for our processes – so that our commitment goes beyond mere words.


Our next challenge, – and one we’ve already made some important strides in -, consists in implementing as many Ecodesign techniques in our products as possible. This way we will ensure we’re heading in the right direction to optimize the environmental impact of our products at each stage of their life cycle.


What does Ecodesign mean exactly?


To produce, use and dispose of products generates a flow of materials, many of which can have a negative impact on the environment, whether in the form of pollution or in the form of waste. The Ecodesign or Products Ecology is responsible for studying this flow of materials resulting from product manufacturing, and it develops methods to reduce the negative effects on the environment.


The main objectives of Eco-design include:

  • To minimise the use of materials and energy,
  • To replace other materials that demonstrate improved environmental performance,
  • To recover materials that can be reused.



Ecodesign in the life cycle of an industrial product

In order to put the theory in practice, a breakdown of the Ecodesign goals in each of the stages in the typical life cycle of an industrial product was also created:


Design: While it appears that the design of a product cannot have a real environmental impact, it is in fact, the stage that decides the type of materials that will be used and their quantity. In other words, the designer will have a direct impact on all the other stages of the cycle as far as their level of environmental friendliness is concerned.


Manufacturing: The goal of this stage is to improve the knowledge and decisions on the use of materials, waste reduction and pollution prevention. It also aims to minimise the amount of waste generated during the manufacturing process, to facilitate as much as possible the reutilisation of the materials and, of course, to make energy consumption as efficient as possible.


Product use: There are two main dimensions as far as adopting the most environmentally friendly use of a product but both are achieved in the same way: using the product in a responsible and efficient manner. The first dimension consists in using the product the bare minimum so as not to process materials and consume energy in vain. The second is to take care of the product in order to extend its life to the maximum. The longer a product lasts, the less materials and energy will be needed to make a replacement.


Recycling: This is the ultimate goal of all products made ecologically, i.e. that the vast majority of their materials can be reused. As mentioned above, this stage depends directly on product design, but it is also important to respect, and ensure that we are effectively leveraging reusable materials.



Dangerous situations leading to occupational accidents arise continuously in industrial spaces with elevated levels of interaction between people and machinery. At Claitec we are constantly seeking solutions that minimise these risks. One such solution is the innovative product we would like to introduce to you today – Copilot. This extremely practical tool functions as a smart complement to the work drivers do, and to assist them in their daily tasks.

Copilot facilitates and increases the flow of information already provided by all Claitec’s safety systems. This simple-to-use touch screen device has multiple functions, but it is mainly used to generate a safety verification checklist of a forklift before using it. It allows to view the detections of forklifts and people and to determine whether the vehicle has had a collision, among other utilities.

With its non-intrusive and intuitive interface, Copilot can display the current status of the components of the PAS System and/or the CAS-G2 on the screen. It allows the driver to know the number of vehicles and pedestrians around him/her at any time, as well as their proximity. On the other hand, it also offers the functionality of vehicle access control, restricting the use of the vehicle to specific users or groups of users.

In addition to this, the information available in Copilot can also be consulted on the web, through the Safeyu platform. Both platforms – Copilot and Safeyu – are connected and share information from the various sensors, as well as from the input and departure of drivers and other events related to the vehicle.

This video on Claitec’s participation in the Logimat fair clearly shows how Copilot works.

Should you have any questions on this system, or any other of Claitec’s safety devices, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are here to help!

Technology delivers endless benefits to all our industries and the three tools that we will be discussing in this post are proof of it. Three valuable tools that support the different tasks performed by operators at our workspaces, protecting them from absent-mindedness or distractions and ultimately improving job safety and reducing accidents at work.

  1. The T-10 R Badge, an adaptation of the inventive T-10R tag with the additional feature of being a card holder. In other words, the operator only carries one single object which includes two key elements: the safety tag and the personal identification card. These help prevent errors caused by forgetfulness, loss or distraction which, in many cases are the main cause of accidents or related problems.

  2. The LSA Solution, an electronic safety system designed to limit the speed at which forklifts circulate. It complements the safety tools of cargo vehicles, and it reduces their speed in areas with operators or pedestrians. This solution is installed on the forklift and it automatically detects where speed limitation signals are located, generating the corresponding change in the vehicle’s gear without the need for human action, and thus protecting pedestrians and preventing accidents.

  3. The TCS Solution, a Traffic Control System which segregates pedestrians and forklifts in a joint workspace. The TCS System does not depend on batteries or mobile devices, and it works completely passively – it does not require human attention. The TZ2-Tag devices are installed in warehouses to detect vehicles equipped with the AC-50 Activator. Traffic lights, signal beacons, safety gates and railings are also installed to segregate pedestrians, achieving exceptionally good results in preventing accidents and improving occupational safety in industries.

Do you have any questions on this topic? On any other issue? Do you need our advice on matters pertaining to safety at work?

Don’t hesitate to contact us! We are here to help!

The German logistics magazine Stapler World (May, 2022) has published the article Pedestrian safety in focus (Fußgänger-Sicherheit im Fokus) referring to the presentation of the Claitec product range that took place at the last edition of Logimat, in Stuttgart. Next, we invite you to read the article:

Pedestrian safety in focus

The technology-based company Claitec has specialized in the implementation of solutions for occupational safety and accident prevention. The Spanish company presented their range of products and the latest developments in Stuttgart.

For example, the crossing warning system Crossing Guard. It is installed in the upper areas of a warehouse to avoid collisions at crossings. The PSG (Pedestrian Safety Gate) was also shown. This is a security gate that regulates the passage of people under certain circumstances, thus increasing their safety.

The PAS-G2 (Pedestrian and Forklift Alert) is a solution that warns forklift drivers when it detects people or other forklifts at an adjustable distance of up to 40 meters.

With the so-called roof radar, the company offers a safety system that automatically reduces the speed of a vehicle as soon as it enters a building. In addition, customers are also be able to see the PAS (Pedestrian Alert System), the LSA (Low Speed ​​System) and the TCS (Traffic Control System) in operation.

Fußgänger-Sicherheit im Fokus

Das technologiebasierte Unternehmen Claitec hat sich auf die Umsetzung von Lö-sungen für die Arbeitssicherheit und Un-fallverhütung spezialisiert. Die Spanier wer-den ihre Produktpalette und neuesten Entwicklungen in Stuttgart vorstellen.

So beispielsweise das Kreuzungswarnsys-tem Crossing Guard. Es wird in den oberen Bereichen eines Lagers installiert, um Kolli-sionen an Kreuzungen zu vermeiden.Weiterhin zeigt man das PSG (Pedestrian Safety Gate). Dabei handelt es sich um ein Sicherheitstor, das den Durchgang von Per-sonen unter bestimmten Umständen regelt und so deren Sicherheit erhöht.

Die PAS-G2 (Fußgänger- und Gabelstapler-warnung) ist eine Lösung, die Gabelstap-lerfahrer warnt, wenn sie Personen oder andere Gabelstapler in einer einstellbaren Entfernung von bis zu 40 Metern erkennt.

Mit dem sogenannten Dachradar bietet das Unternehmen ein Sicherheitssystem an, das die Geschwindigkeit eines Fahrzeugs automatisch reduziert, sobald es in ein Ge-bäude einfährt. Darüber hinaus werden die Kunden auch das PAS (Pedestrian Alert Sys-tem), das LSA (Low Speed System) und das TCS (Traffic Control System) in Betrieb se-hen können.

(May 2022) Fußgänger-Sicherheit im Fokus. Stapler World: Informationsplattform & Magazin für Flurförderzeuge & Logistik, 16. ISSN- Nr. 1612-1848

Should you have any questions and/or require our advice, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Traffic light usage in industrial settings tends to meet a lot of opposition on account of their seemingly difficult and costly installation. However, as our regular conversations with our clients prove, this is not necessarily the case. On the contrary, traffic lights can be a great ally to prevent accidents at work and improve occupational safety in all types of industries.

In this article we would like to present four solutions that prove that traffic lights can help us solve different problems in our daily activities:

  1. Traffic Control System (TCS). A practical tool to helps prevent accidents at work consisting of a comprehensive traffic control system capable of differentiating pedestrians from forklifts. Given that it does not rely on batteries or mobile devices, and that it works in a totally passive way, the TCS does not require any human attention, constant maintenance, or usage monitoring.

  2. PCS Solution. This system warns forklifts through traffic lights of the presence and eventual crossing of pedestrians in their immediate vicinity. Thanks to this system, the operator who is handling a load and concentrating on driving heavy vehicles can be alerted of the proximity of a pedestrian and take precautionary measures. This significantly helps reduce accidents and the risks of running over pedestrians.

  3. BS Solution for areas with no visibility or blind spots. This device minimises the risks of collisions between forklifts and pedestrians and prevents collisions between forklifts in areas of limited visibility. By way of a system of traffic lights and tags, the BS solution indicates the right of way for drivers and pedestrians. The tags carried by pedestrians and forklifts emit light signals when an activator detects them. Subsequently, the traffic light will indicate the right of way.

  4. NAS (Narrow Aisle Safety) Solution. A tool designed to minimise the risks of collision between forklifts in reduced space areas. A traffic light warns forklift drivers when another vehicle is detected in a confined area. The forklifts incorporate coded reflective bands which – when detected by the sensors -, activate the traffic lights installed in the corridors. From that moment, and while the truck remains in the aisle, the traffic light will indicate its presence in the area to the rest of the vehicles or pedestrians that approach the place.

Are you keen to find out more about any of these solutions?

Do you need advice on any of our products?

Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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